Yoga can keep us Healthy

How Yoga can keep us healthy By Dr.Vasudha Sharma | Jul 19, 2022 Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj”, which is nothing but “union”. Union of atma (soul) to paramathma (supreme soul) is the ultimate goal of yoga. But in today’s scenario it’s the union of mind and body which is of utmost […]

Eight limbs of Yoga and their Benefits

Eight limbs of Yoga By Dr.Shraddha Surathkal | Jun 11, 2022 Eight limbs of yoga are also called “Astanga yoga”. Astanga yoga is divided 2 parts. Bahiranga yoga and Antaranga yoga. Bahiranga yoga is to gain mastery over mind by using indirect techniques and antaranga yoga is to directly handle the mind and gain mastery […]

Saral Yoga and their Benefits

Saral Yoga By Dr.Shraddha Surathkal | Jun 05, 2022 Yoga is a science of calming down the mind (that brings harmony in mind, body and spirit). It is an ancient Indian science that has been used for therapeutic benefits in numerous health concerns in which mental stress was believed to play a role. (Considering the […]

Hyper Acidity and Yoga Therapy

What is Hyper Acidity? Hyper acidity is nothing but increased acid secretion in the digestive tract, that is in the stomach, intestine etcetera. Why does Acid level Increases? Or Common Causes of Hyper acidity: Life style and food habits are the main source of getting hyper acidity.Food habits including, increased intake of salt, oil, spice […]

Covid Care using Ayurveda and Yoga

COVID CARE USING AYURVEDA AND YOGA COVID (Corona Virus Disease) evolved as a pandemic of international concern in 2019 and has been prevalent through different variants or strains such as Delta or Omicron even now in 2022. How can we fight it? Still remains!! Do we prioritise improving immunity to prevent!! Do we just get […]

Yoga for eye health

Yoga for eye health As eyes are sensory organs, we perceive 80% of what comes through our sense of sight. It is important that we maintain the health of our eyes to see this beautiful world. As we have this good opportunity to see the world, its necessary that we take care and give rest […]

Ulcerative colitis and Yoga

Ulcerative colitis and Yoga Ulcerative colitis is also known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is considered as chronic condition and causes Inflammation in digestive tract. Colitis represents inflammation of colon. it is auto immune disorder causes mucosal inflammation in any part/segment of colon and may extend to rectum. The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis […]

Bronchitis and Yoga Therapy

Bronchitis and Yoga Therapy Definition: Inflammation of bronchial tubes are known as Bronchitis. Bronchial tubes are air ways which carry air to and from lungs. Characteristics: There are two types of bronchitis called Acute and Chronic. Acute bronchitis is very common because it easily develops in the people who gets frequent attack of cold or […]

Sequence for Yoga practice by IAYT

Sequence for Yoga practice by IAYT IAYT – Integrative Approach of Yoga Therapy is based on panchakoshas. Panchakosha is nothing but 5 layers or sheaths of human personality. Yoga is the best way of living. Regular practice of yoga with correct procedure and sequence will help in getting good benefits. Panchakoshs: 1. Annamayakosha or physical […]

Yoga Therapy for Headache

Yoga Therapy for Headache   The specially designed integrated Yoga therapy module for Migraine which includes loosening exercises, breathing exercises, asanas (postures), pranayama (regulated breathing), relaxation techniques and chanting are recommended at our centers. Scientific studies and review articles provide a lot of information on How Yoga therapy helps. This review article on Yoga for […]

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