Immunity Kit

What is Immunity?
It is a natural defense mechanism of our body to fight against the foreign body. There are two types of immunity. Innate immunity and acquired immunity. Innate which means immunity from the birth & acquired is nothing but immunity developed after birth. Ayurveda explains the concept of immunity as Vyadhikshamatvam
Importance of Immunity
Our Immunity protects us by fighting against foreign body and prevents us from getting infections, allergies and disease. When our immune cells are not working properly, there will be altered health and it may lead to serious systematic health damage. A robust and properly functioning immune system fight with day today dust particles, mold, pollen grains, germs bugs from pets and keeps us healthy without any health issues.
How to improve Immunity?
• Nutritious food
• Physical activity or Regular Yoga
• Sun bathing
• Proper sleep
• Healthy mind
• Herbs - Immunomodulators
To provide a comprehensive approach to improve immunity we suggest use of Immunity kit.