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Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD & PCOS in Bangalore

PCOS ayurvedic treatment


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is more than just a medical term; it's a challenge casting a shadow over the dreams of motherhood, affecting the regularity of periods, and impacting the overall quality of life. But there's hope. The ancient healing practices of Ayurveda, Yoga, Acupuncture, and Naturopathy offer pathways to balance and wellness.

What is PCOS?

Definition: PCOS in women, is a metabolic disorder characterized by hormonal imbalances, affects women during their reproductive years. Elevated levels of male hormones can lead to skipped menstrual periods, irregular ovulation, and difficulty in conceiving, often causing amenorrhea, meaning the absence of menstruation.

Diagnosis: Many women may have PCOD or PCOS without being aware of it. The condition manifests through symptoms affecting ovulation and the ovaries. With the assistance of fertility treatments and medicine for missed periods, women with PCOS can get pregnant. 

PCOS ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda views any disease as an imbalance. In the context of PCOS, it’s seen as a kapha disorder. This hormonal disorder typically occurs during the reproductive years, leading to irregular or delayed menstrual cycles and an excess of androgen hormone in the body. The Connection Between PCOS and Pregnancy: PCOS and pregnancy are closely linked. PCOS affects a significant portion of women of childbearing age, making it harder to conceive. If pregnancy occurs, there’s an increased risk of complications, especially between cycles.

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a metabolic disorder characterized by hormonal imbalances in women during their reproductive years (between ages 21 and 51). Elevated levels of male hormones can lead to skipped menstrual periods, irregular ovulation, difficulty in conceiving, abnormal hair growth on the body and face, and an increased risk of long-term complications like heart disease and diabetes. 

Many women may have PCOD or PCOS without being aware of it. The condition manifests through a range of PCOS symptoms that affect ovulation and the ovaries, including ovarian cysts, elevated levels of male hormones, and irregular or skipped menstrual periods. With the assistance of fertility treatments to enhance ovulation, women with PCOS can get pregnant.

Causes of PCOS and PCOD?

The exact cause remains unknown, but factors like genetics, high levels of male hormones, and increased inflammation play a role.

Common symptoms of PCOD and PCOS

Common signs of PCOS and PCOD include irregular periods, heavy bleeding, hirsutism or excessive growth of hair on the face, weight gain, hair loss, pelvic pain, acne, irritability, and oligomenorrhea.

Difference between PCOD and PCOS



  • It a common disorder, impacts approximately 10% of women worldwide.
  • PCOD occurs when the ovaries produce numerous immature or partially mature eggs, often caused by factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, stress, and hormonal imbalances.
  • PCOD does not typically hinder fertility in women. Despite this condition, women can still ovulate and have the potential to conceive, often with minimal assistance
  • It is a condition that does not lead to major complications.


  • It is a significant medical condition, affects approximately 0.2% to 2.5% of women worldwide.
  • It is a metabolic disorder and a more advanced stage of PCOD, which can cause anovulation, halting the release of eggs from the ovaries.
  • It significantly impacts fertility in women. Irregular ovulation due to PCOS makes it challenging to conceive. If pregnancy occurs, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and pregnancy complications.
  • PCOS carries serious complications, including the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and, in later stages, endometrial cancer.

Complications of PCOS / PCOD problem

If a woman has PCOD or PCOS disease, she may wonder how it affects her body. What causes PCOD or PCOS? Having higher-than-normal androgen levels can cause health problems. Listed below some complications of PCOD or PCOS that need medical attention.

  • Irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Infertility or difficulty in conceiving
  • High blood pressure and related fertility issues
  • Development of type 2 diabetes
  • Increased risk of preterm labor and premature birth
  • Metabolic syndrome, which raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke
  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a liver condition
  • Depression and anxiety arising from unwanted hair growth and other symptoms
  • Sleep apnea, particularly in overweight women, causing breathing interruptions during sleep
  • Higher risk of endometrial cancer due to thickened uterine lining
  • Increased chances of miscarriage (spontaneous pregnancy loss)

Managing PCOS: The Integrative Approach

The integrative treatment for PCOS includes AyurvedaYogaAcupuncture, and Naturopathy. These treatments restore and maintain health and wellness, especially beneficial for those experiencing medicine for missed periods.

Dr.Vasudha Sharma Speaks on Reversal of PCOS

How to cure PCOS permanently & when to start the treatment?

Most of the women often wonder how to cure pcos permanently? How to get pregnant with pcos ? The common symptoms of PCOD and PCOS include skipped periods or face symptoms of PCOD/PCOS such as unwanted facial or body hair growth, or if you have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for 12 months or longer, it is advisable to seek consultation.Do consult a doctor when you find hair on your cheeks, when the menstrual cycle is very painful, or when you skip a cycle.

PCOD or PCOS Diagnosis

How integrative medicine based approach helps in treating & managing the PCOS or PCOD?

The integrative Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) include Ayurvedic treatment, Yoga exercises, Acupuncture and Naturopathy treatments, which restore and maintain health and wellness across a woman's life. Treatments from Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy integratively helps in Managing PCOS. Have a look at our Integrated Approach below on how to treat for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)/ PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease).

Yogic Treatments

The practice of Yoga for PCOS & PCOD operates on profound levels beyond the physical body. Yoga exercises enhance pelvic openness and induce relaxation, pranayamas calm the mind, and meditation completes the comprehensive system, offering detoxification and stress relief. Specific Yoga Therapy is suggested based on the Integrated approach to yoga therapy and includes not only Asanas but breathing exercises, pranayama and relaxation to balance the hypothalmo-pituatary ovarian axis.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS | PCOD

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS & PCOD typically combines herbal remedies, therapies, and lifestyle modifications, including dietary changes. The Panchakarma therapies, Shirodhara, Udvartana and Oral medications are useful in treating PCOS as they naturally stimulate better Ovarian functions. If you've been diagnosed with PCOS, a healthier diet plan can make your symptoms better. Ayurveda alongside also focus on PCOS diet plan & lifestyle. Ayurvedic medicine offers natural PCOS remedies that are believed to have no known side effects.

Naturopathy Treatments

PCOS treatment such as Hip Bath, Hot foot Bath and diet help in improving the function of pelvic viscera by altering the circulation


Needling certain anatomical points has been reported to potentially improve sensitivity and help patients with PCOS.

pcos and infertility

PCOS and fertility

People frequently worry about PCOS and fertility? Does PCOS impact fertility?

PCOS is a common hormonal issue in women of reproductive age, affecting 8-13% of them, with many cases undiagnosed. It’s more prevalent in certain ethnic groups, leading to more health problems. The connection between PCOS and pregnancy complications is a source of concern for many because Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects 6-15% of women of childbearing age. PCOS may make it harder to conceive, and if pregnancy occurs, it increases the risk of complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.


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Polycystic ovary syndrome pregnancy raises risks like high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, premature birth, and larger babies, often leading to cesarean delivery. Babies may need extra care. During PCOS during pregnancy, Miscarriage and still birth risks are higher too. But careful monitoring and prenatal care can help manage these risks .Women with PCOS face a threefold higher risk of miscarriage compared to those without the condition. They are also more prone to developing conditions like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and are at risk of having larger babies and preterm deliveries. This can result in delivery challenges or a cesarean section

PCOS can affect both physical and emotional well-being, especially in terms of weight, body image, and fertility, which can lead to mental health challenges and social stigma. PCOS and weight loss are interconnected. If you have PCOS, it is important to start some PCOS Yoga exercises to balance your weight and ease PCOS symptoms.

PCOS is a journey, but with the right guidance, support, and treatments, you can navigate this journey with confidence and hope, ensuring a balanced life between cycles. Click here to discover how a 33 years old lady tacked her PCOS challenges.


Get in touch with us


If you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment then visit the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore to treat yourself from the best PCOS/PCOD doctor in Bangalore and experience the transformative power of natural healing, that has been  restoring balance and vitality for over 5000 years. Rooted in the profound understanding of the mind-body connection. Ayurveda treats the root cause of ailments, not just the symptoms, promoting long- lasting well-being. Our experienced doctors take a comprehensive approach to your health, meticulously assessing your unique constitution (Prakruti) and current imbalances. Life is a beautiful journey, and arthritis shouldn’t be a roadblock on your path. If you are looking for best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore then our doors at Vivekananda Health Global are always open, welcoming you to a haven where healing blossoms. With a team of compassionate and experienced practitioners, we are here to walk with you on this healing journey. Each individual is unique, and so should be the healing path. Our personalized approach aims to address the root of arthritis, guiding you towards a life where pain no longer holds the reins. At our ayurvedic center, we also provide Panchakarma treatments, which bring balance and rejuvenation to your mind and body. Ready to take the step towards a happier, healthier you? A friendly chat with our doctors is just a call away. Connect with us to get the best ayurvedic treatment for PCOS or PCOD . Reach out at +91 9591336226 to consult with the best ayurvedic doctor for embark on this transformative journey together. Your road to relief is just a call away. Discover a life where you can move freely, laugh heartily, and live fully.

Get Personalized Advice: Ask Your Questions Here

Can PCOS go away naturally? PCOS cannot go away on its own, but you can manage PCOS symptoms by making lifestyle changes and using natural remedies for PCOS. One of the highly recommended PCOS/PCOD solution is a combination of regular PCOS yoga exercise, a balanced PCOS diet plan, and medication prescribed by a healthcare professional.

  • Exercise Regularly- PCOS/ PCOD patients often struggle with difficulty in losing weight, but it’s important to remember that even if you don’t see immediate changes on the scale, your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage weight can significantly reduce the symptoms in the long term. Include few PCOS exercises in your daily life Take a gradual approach when it comes to exercise and avoid doing too much too soon. Slowly increase the intensity and duration over time to ensure that it remains a manageable and enjoyable activity without causing unnecessary stress. To stay motivated in your yoga practice, you can join yoga classes.
  • Adopt a Healthy PCOS Diet Plan-

    Following a healthy and well-timed PCOS diet plan can help you to see positive impact on preventing PCOS or reducing its symptoms with time.

    Inorder to maintain a healthy life style it is advisable to completely avoid sweets, fried foods, and high-calorie meals. When cravings for sweets arise, go for healthy alternatives like having an apple.

    Opt for frequent small meals rather than  large ones can help avoid unnecessary snacking in between. Paying attention to a nutritious breakfast is particularly important.

    By planning your meals in advance and following to the plan, you can steer clear of unhealthy junk food choices. Incorporating fiber-rich foods such as brown rice and whole wheat bread into your diet is beneficial.

  • Stable Ovulation Cycle- Maintaining a stable ovulation cycle is key in managing PCOS symptoms. Minimize or avoid unnatural interventions, such as using pills to postpone menstruation, to support a regular cycle.
  • Include Special Diets- Some of the  ingredients recommended in Ayurveda can be beneficial for PCOS patients. Bitter gourd and Indian gooseberry help effectively to control blood sugar. While fenugreek leaves and basil help to maintain insulin levels. A mixture of honey, lemon, and warm water can aid in sweet cravings and weight control. Including these ingredients  in to your daily routine may prevent or delay PCOS, especially for those with a genetic predisposition.
  • Live a stress-free life- To manage PCOS, it’s important to take breaks from daily routines. Engage in yoga and pranayama, spend time in nature, practice meditation, and enjoy moments with loved ones are some of the effective PCOS remedies. Service to others can also provide a stress-relieving and fulfilling experience.
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