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Ayurveda treatment in HSR

Understanding the Tridosha

According to Ayurveda Space, Air, Water, Fire and Earth are “Five elements” that flow through every cell in our bodies. These five elements combine in various ways to form the three constitutional factors called Dosha’s or energies. Dosha’s are responsible for the characteristics of Body, Mind and Soul. These are the basis for health and illness.


The Three Doshas

1. Vata – Comprises space and Air. It is responsible for movement. When it is in balance the person will be energetic, enthusiastic, friendly and happy.
2. Pitta – Comprises fire and water. It is responsible for digestion and metabolism. The pitta balanced person will be funny, cooperative, confident and decisive.
3. Kapha – Comprises water and earth. It is responsible for stability and structure. When it is in balance the person will be generous, kind, patient, strategic.

Vata Dosha


Vata is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, representing the elements of air and space. It governs movement, circulation, breathing, and nervous functions in the body. When balanced, Vata brings creativity, flexibility, and vitality. However, an imbalance can lead to issues like anxiety, dry skin, bloating, and restlessness. Maintaining warmth, regular routines, and grounding foods helps to keep Vata in harmony.

Pitta Dosha


Pitta is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, associated with the elements of fire and water. It governs digestion, metabolism, and energy production in the body. When balanced, Pitta promotes intelligence, strong digestion, and leadership qualities. However, an imbalance can cause irritability, inflammation, heartburn, and excessive heat in the body. Cooling foods, stress management, and calming environments help maintain Pitta balance.

Kapha Dosha


Kapha is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, representing the elements of earth and water. It governs structure, stability, and lubrication in the body, providing strength, immunity, and calmness. When balanced, Kapha brings compassion, endurance, and grounded energy. However, an imbalance can lead to lethargy, weight gain, congestion, and emotional heaviness. To balance Kapha, it's important to engage in regular physical activity, eat light and warming foods, and avoid excessive rest.

Dosha Common problems General Treatment
Vata Roughness of skin
Drying of skin
Cracking of skin
Disturbed sleep
Unstable mind
Snehana (Abhyanga) – body massage
Swedana (steam)
Basti (Enema) –
Asthapana basti (enema with decoction)
Anuvasana basti (enema with oil)
Parisheka (Sprinkling of oil)
Shirodhara (Pouring of oil on head)
Elakizhi (Fomentation)
Nasya (Medication through nostrils)
Pitta Heat
Excessive temperature
Excessive sweating
Bad odor
Mouth ulcers
Eye related problems
Snehana (Abhyanga) – body massage
Virechana (purgation)
Pradeha (application of paste)
Parisheka (sprinkling of liquid)
Kapha Drowsiness
Excessive sleep
Heaviness of the body
Loss of strength
Swedana (steam)
Vamana (enema)
Shirovirechana (detoxification of head region)
Udvartana (dry powder massage)
Vyayama (exercise)

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