Touch me not plant & its benefits to your Health

Touch me not plant & its benefits to your Health Touch me not, live and die, shame plant and humble plant is a subshrub which is found predominantly in India. Its thorny and the green leaflets  fold and droop at night or when touched and cooled. It majorly possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, […]

Eight step method

Eight Step Method   The Asanas in YIC are practiced with a specially designed method called 8 step method, which help to understand the depth of the asana. Which include Name, meaning complementary posture demonstration benefits limitation of different asana. Step 1 Name the Asana which is being taught. It should be communicated in English, […]

Asanas and relaxation techniques

Asanas and relaxation techniques Asanas must be practiced on a mat with an empty stomach to get proper benefits. Around the time of sunrise and sunset are the best times to do yoga. ‘Asana’ is the one of the limb/anga of the atanga yoga.  Asana or physical pose must be done in a natural and […]

Jala Neti

Jala Neti Hatha Yoga, as described in the early yoga Upanishads, is made up of the shatkarmas and is a very precise and systemic science. Shat means 6 and karma means action, and shatkarmas consist of six group of purification practices. Neti is one among them. Neti : A process of cleaning and purifying the […]

Health, An Ayurvedic perspective

Health, An Ayurvedic Perspective The distinctive feature of Ayurveda is that the primary emphasis is on maintaining a healthy state of being and then comes the curative aspect. Health here is in relation with both body and mind and reflects at all levels from the cell to the whole body. It is achieved with balance […]

Integrative Medicine- The need of the hour

Integrative Medicine- The need of the hour! Integrative medicine has been defined as “the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person”, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to support optimal health and […]

Integrative Medicine For Lower Back Pain

Integrative Medicine For Lower Back Pain Wincing in Pain??? Get rid of it through Ayurveda Yoga and Acupuncture Lower back pain refers to any pain or discomfort experienced in the bottom region of the spine. Lower  back pain can vary from dull pain that develops gradually to sudden, sharp or persistent pain felt below the […]

World Cancer day 2021

Cancer Management in Ayurveda Life on earth has been rationalized with new pathway of technologies and modern science. Along with these easiness the world has gifted mankind a lot of anxiety and misery of certain chronic health issues such as Cancer, AIDS, Auto-immune disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension etc. Cancer is defined as a group of disease […]

Build your Immunity to Boost your Health

Build your Immunity to Boost your Health Modern lifestyle is plagued with innumerable diseases and hence maintaining good immunity becomes highly essential to fight any disease. Presently, the world is in a medical turmoil due to the emergence of COVID-19. This has compelled each individual to think about boosting once immunity, not only for tackling […]

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