Our Online Yoga Services

Our Offline/ Online Yoga Classes To Register yourself call- 91 95913 36226 Group Yoga Classes VY Online Positive Yoga in corporates the modules that are designed to bring an optimum level of well-being in you. Vy+ programs establish a complete state of health and conglomeration of Patanjali’s Astanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga. These programs are […]

Be a holistically trained Antenatal Yoga Teacher

Join Antenatal Classes & become a Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor Across the world, the benefits of yoga have made a profound impact, and the practice of pregnancy yoga becoming a cherished addition to countless lives. Enroll Now (Indian Students) Enroll Now (Foreign Students) Brief Course Content : Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Preparation before conception […]

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy Yoga Therapy is the best gift you can give yourself is staying fit, flexible and younger LIFE STYLE. This gift is known as ‘Yoga’. If you practice Yoga Therapy regularly it can help you remain free from many illnesses. Yoga is a holistic approach and works on the body, mind and spirit simultaneously. […]

Yoga For Advance

VY[A] CM (Cyclic Meditation) In our day-to-day life, we relax deeply and yet often unconsciously by stretching and yawning. In Cyclic Meditation , we stretch consciously and systematically, and then we relax using standard postures like Padahastasana, Ardha Cakrasana and Ardhakati Cakrasana. We also use sitting Asanas like Sasankasana and Ustrasana. These postures provide stimulation […]

Yoga for Corporates

Yoga for Corporates VY[C]™ stands for Vivekananda Yoga for Corporates. The series of corporate yoga programs is tailor-made for Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity – World Health Organization (WHO) How many of us so called […]

Yoga for Positive Health

Yoga for Positive Health VY[+]™ Programs VY[+]™ stands for Vivekananda Yoga for Positive Health™. These programs are designed to bring all participants to optimal levels of health in every Aspect of life: •Physical: Fitness, immune system, stamina, beauty and eyesight •Mental: Improved concentration, IQ, memory and emotional     stability •Social: Healthy interpersonal relationships •Emotional: Mastery over […]


Pregnancy Yoga Mathrusamraksha Online Pregnancy Yoga Avoid gestational Hypertension / Diabetes Help to Induce Normal Deliveries 100+ happy Mothers Pregnancy Yoga Pregnanacy yoga modules are specially designed to reduce adverse effects of stress during pregnancy. To manage pregnancy related discomforts and to attain positive attitude and confidence throughout the pregnancy. It also enhances the possibility […]

Online Yoga teacher training course

Are you ready to become a Certified Yoga Teacher? | Online Yoga Instructor Course | Yoga Instructor Course is a training program that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified yoga teacher New Batch starting from – 28th September, 2024 Time – 9.00 AM – 1.30 PM To Register Call […]

AutoImmune Diseases Relief Using Yoga

AutoImmune Diseases and Yoga By Dr.Vasudha Sharma | Jul 26, 2022 Autoimmune disease is a condition in which our immune system attacks our own body and causes problems. The normal function of our immune system is to fight against the foreign cells and make us free from diseases. There are many autoimmune diseases including: Rheumatoid […]

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