Panchakarma to Detox

‘Ayurveda’ The traditional Indian system of medicine which is about 6000 years old has explained the classification of various diseases, their signs, and symptoms, prognosis, prevention, and management. It evolved as a logical science and survived the transition of civilization. There are two main principles which the science is based...

Yoga Therapy for Back Pain

Pain in the lower is most common presenting complaint. Every 8 people out of 10 has backpain at some point in life. It can result from Injuries, Conditions and disease. Pain can range from mild to few cases pain may cause difficult to walk sleep or any other day...

Kati basti for Back pain

Kati basti for Back painPain in the lower back is a most common complaint with many adults. With school from home and work from home being the norm, we see this complaint increasing even in young adults. Every 8 people out of 10 have backpain at some point in life....

Acupuncture for Back pain

Acupuncture for Back painPain in the lower back is the most common complaint. It may be mild to moderate and is triggered due to sedentary habits and weak back muscles. Every 8 people out of 10 have back pain at some point in life. It can result from Injuries, spinal...

Understanding Stress – Yogic perspective

Understanding Stress - Yogic perspective Stress plays an important role in the onset and management of many non- communicable disorders. According to the Yoga text - Yoga Vasista, the concept of ‘Adhija vyadhi’ explains about the diseases originating from stress and ‘Anadhija Vyadhi’ explains about the diseases which are not...

Roga – Arogya Karanam

Roga - Arogya Karanam We often strive to maintain a work-life balance for adults, equal study and play time for kids. It is evident that excess or inadequacy of anyone would create trouble for us in some form or the other. Hence balance is the key. Ayurveda has always emphasized...

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yogaPregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman's life. All the discomfort that a woman has undergone during pregnancy will pay off when she holds that tiny little baby.Pregnancy is a condition in which women undergo distinct physiological changes and stress and is accompanied by unique physical and psychological...

VHG’s Approach to women’s health

VHG's Approach to women's healthHealth of women differs from men in distinct ways. Health is defined as the state of physical, mental and social wellbeing i.e., the condition where there is absence of diseases.  Every woman goes through a series of primary changes during her lifetime which is menarche, pregnancy,...

Do not fear Psoriasis

Do not fear Psoriasis! Psoriasis is an autoimmune, non-infectious  disorder that causes plaques, which are itchy or sore patches of thick, red, dry skin. The word "Psora" is Greek word meaning "Itch". Psoriasis affects any part of the body. Psoriasis has a genetic predisposition, can develop at any age though...

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