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Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies
Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies

There is a continuous effort across the world to control the spread and aid management of the Pandemic COVID-19 which has come as an earth-shattering contagious disease. While conventional medicine is doing its best job in the management of the infected, it’s very essential to prevent it from spreading to reduce morbidity and mortality not only in the present but also take measures to prevent such pandemics in the future.

Ayurveda’ The traditional Indian system of medicine which is about 8000 years old has explained the classification of various diseases, their signs and symptoms, prognosis, prevention and management. It evolved as a logical science and survived the transition of civilization.

There are two main principles which the science is based upon are ‘Swasthasya swāsthya rakṣanam’ i.e. to help the healthy maintain and protect his health and ‘Āturasya vikāra prasamanam’ i.e. treat the disease of a diseased individual.

The concept of contagious diseases and pandemic including etiology and pathogenesis and the preventive methodologies for the same similar in line with the present directive of  WHO, such as social distancing and personal hygiene have been elaborated in Ayurveda. It is therefore essential to make the best use of the available ancient knowledge and create a healthy world.

To preserve health, modalities mentioned in Ayurveda should be followed. Since host factors play a key role in the disease manifestation, strengthening the immune system by following preventive measures such as dinacharya (daily regime) which includes the practice of yoga, methods to maintain oral and respiratory hygiene, Ṛtucarya (seasonal regimen) which includes food and lifestyle regimen based on seasonal changes and  Sadvritta (ethical code of conduct) is the need of the hour. In addition, using certain herbs such as Glycyrriza glabra (Jeshtamadhu), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), Zingiber officinale (Ginger), Andrographis paniculate (Chiraita) which are known for their efficacy to modulate immunity by having anti-microbial, macrophagic, anti-inflammatory and by being immune stimulants is also essential.

Article By :
Dr. Vasudha M Sharma