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Ayurveda treatment in HSR

Panchakarma to Detox

Detox using panchakarma
Detox using panchakarma

Ayurveda’ The traditional Indian system of medicine which is about 6000 years old has explained the classification of various diseases, their signs, and symptoms, prognosis, prevention, and management.

It evolved as a logical science and survived the transition of civilization.  

There are two main principles which the science is based upon are ‘Swasthasya swāsthya rakṣanam’ i.e. to help the healthy maintain and protect his health and ‘Āturasya vikāra prasamanam’ i.e. treat the disease of a diseased individual.



Panchakarma is one of the ayurvedic procedures in which the vitiated Doshas or toxins are expelled out of the body through the nearest route.

Word Panchakarma is made of two words: Pancha and Karma

Pancha means 5

Karma means the procedures done to expel vitiated Doshas.

Panchakarma includes

·         Vamana karma

·         Virechana karma

·         Asthapana basti

·         Anuvasana basti

·         Nasya karma

Indications to do PanchakarmaBenefits of doing Panchakarma
Improper digestionNormal functioning of Kosta
TastelessnessIncrease in the Agni
ObesityAlleviation of the disease
AnemiaEquilibrium of Doshas
HeavinessRestoration of the function of the sense organs, mind
Tiredness without doing any work
Strengthens body
Various skin eruptionsDelayed aging
ItchingNot prone to diseases
Hridroga – Heart Disease 


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