Tips to Feel Better during Pregnancy

Tips to Feel Better during Pregnancy Though pregnancy is the most cherishable phase there are ups and down’s during pregnancy. Handling the common complaints and keeping oneself at ease is not difficult. Some tips to help cope: Nausea and vomiting Eat small portions for a meal. Avoid spices like green chilly, black pepper etc. Avoid […]

Migraine headache Management

 Migraine headache management using Ayurveda and Yoga The pattern of Migraine headaches has changed during the pandemic. The very first wave of COVID created panic and therefore People reported an increase in attacks. During the interval between 1 st and 2 nd wave of Delta variant, people were a littler relaxed but work from home […]

Preventive Approaches for COVID – 19 and its variants

Preventive Approaches for COVID – 19 and its variants Source : Covid Vectors by Vecteezy All of us have been experiencing the Pandemic situation since Dec 2019. It’s been 2 years now and with the beginning of 2022, things still look bleak. We are amidst confusion and are not clear about what is in store […]

Yogic Perspective to Health and Disease

Yogic perspective to health and disease Yoga is an ancient system used to harmonize the body mind and soul. It is defined as that which brings in ‘Samatvam’, meaning equanimity at physical and mental levels. Yoga also emphasizes on healthy diet and lifestyle with its principles of ahara, vihara, vichara and achara. The one who practices […]

Case study – Neck pain and Acupuncture

Case study – Neck pain and Acupuncture A 45 year old Yoga therapist weighing about 73kg presented with pain in the neck and feeling of tightness below left scapula for 2 months. Nature of the pain is pricking in nature and duration was throughout the day. Pain often reduced by taking rest and increased with […]


Constipation Constipation – As all know that the constipation is nothing but difficulty in passing motions. Everyone will undergo constipation one or the other day. It may be due to wrong food habit, stress, reduced intake of water, less/no physical activity and sedentary life style. Most of the people think it is common YES, it […]

Meditation for good health

Free Meditation Sessions for good health, to start this New Year – Register below! Jan 2nd (Sunday) – 7 PM to 8 PM- Yogashree N V Raghuram Ji, Founder of Yoga Bharati and Spiritual leader. Jan 7th (Friday)- 7 PM to 8 PM- Dr.Manjunath NK, Director of Research & Pro Vice Chancellor, SVYASA University Register here […]

Meditation to Manage Stress

Meditation to Manage Stress We all know the benefits of meditation out of which common is stress. Let’s understand more about stress. Stress is body’s response to pressure in different situation and life events. When we undergo stress our body produces stress hormones which triggers fight or flight response and our body go backs to […]


Hypothyroidism The incidence of thyroid disorder is high in India, affecting one in ten adults. Lack of thyroid hormone or resistance of the body tissue to thyroid hormone with respect to metabolic demand results in disorder called hypothyroidism. The major function of the thyroid gland is to act as a spark for the maintenance of […]


Headache Headache is a painful sensation in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, that may occur with other symptoms. Globally, it has been estimated that prevalence among adults of current headache disorder is about 50%. Half to three quarters of adults aged 18–65 years in the world have had headache in […]

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