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Constipation – As all know that the constipation is nothing but difficulty in passing motions. Everyone will undergo constipation one or the other day. It may be due to wrong food habit, stress, reduced intake of water, less/no physical activity and sedentary life style. Most of the people think it is common YES, it is common but it must be once in a while. if you are suffering to clear your bowel at all the time should be taken seriously and get treated well with Indian system of medicines and correct your lifestyle.

All must be aware of complications of getting constipated every day. So, the common complications of constipation are severe pain in anus, discomfort in the abdomen, hemorrhoids/piles, anal fissure, anal fistula, rectal prolapse etcetera.

The risk factor for constipation is being dehydrated, intake of low dietary fiber, less physical activity, on medications for long time etcetera.

We can prevent from suffering constipation with increasing our water intake, doing some physical activity an including more dietary fiber in the diet and must avoid taking junk food.

One thing about constipation is, it is not a disease and considered as a symptom of digestive issues.

STRESS is the major cause for constipation because stress hormones will directly affect the bowel movements, and people who stressed up will not be able to follow the correct diet, water intake and physical activity.

Here.., correcting our lifestyle is the biggest challenge for everybody.

Yoga is the best tool to over come from these problems. 30 – 45 minutes of regular practice of yoga will definitely help in reducing the stress, induces sleep and makes a disciplined life.

With the regular practice of yoga, some of the diet modifications are required to get rid of from the constipation.

So, we are here to help you out of this problem with Indian system of medicines like Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy.

Article By :
Dr. Anitha