Prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus which is the most common form of diabetes, is a chronic progressive condition resulting from impaired secretion and action of the hormone insulin. The risk factors for the development of diabetes include a complex interaction between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. It starts […]

Diet And Lifestyle Modification during Pregnancy

Diet And Lifestyle Modification during Pregnancy The metabolic system or the way our body transforms food into energy undergoes incredible changes during pregnancy. The growing baby’s main source of nutrition is the glucose from the mothers blood. Pregnancy physiology During pregnancy carbohydrate and fat metabolism undergoes changes to accommodate the requirements of both the mother […]

Is Diabetes Type – 2 Reversible?

Is Diabetes Type – 2 Reversible? Yes, we can reverse diabetes with disciplined life style modifications. Now a day diabetes (increased blood glucose level) is very common. We notice many people come to us at our clinic and they are of different age groups. In this modern era people are stressed up, not under control […]

Frozen shoulder – Complication of Diabetes

Frozen shoulder – Complication of Diabetes What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder – physical discomfort in the shoulder with pain, stiffness and restricted movement is named as frozen shoulder. How it occurs? It is one of the main complication which is developed in diabetes patients due to Receptor Activation of Glycation End products (RAGE). Receptor […]

How to cure Shoulder Pain by Ayurvedic Method

How to cure Shoulder Pain by Ayurvedic Method What is shoulder pain? A physical discomfort or pain in the shoulder which leads to stiffness or restricted movement is a common condition in this modern era due to so many reasons. There also a shoulder pain caused by the injuries to tendons, muscles, bursa or ligaments […]

Gestational Diabetes

GESTATIONAL DIABETES Gestational Diabetes Mellitus GDM or the diabetes developed during pregnancy is a common condition found during pregnancy. With changing lifestyle, food habits, changing social circumstances for women opting for later pregnancies the incidence of gestational diabetes is on the rise. Although this is a condition which is manageable with diet, exercise and medications, […]

Holistic approach for painful periods

Holistic approach for painful periods Menarche is the first menstrual period starting at 11-13 years of age usually. This is a normal physiological process and beginning of reproductive life in women. Its associated with higher levels of oestrogen. The common Problems are Physical : Pain and discomfort and Psychosocial : Anxiety and Fear The first […]

Best Natural Remedies for Women’s Health

Best Natural Remedies for Women’s Health The true beauty of a woman is in Health and in her ability to be active. A woman experiences different health challenges across the various stages of her life. As a teen she experiences menarche based challenges and problems. As a young adult needs to attend to her career […]

Relationship between Digestion and Pain

Relationship between Digestion and Pain Don’t you think your digestion is key to stay away from Pain? Pain is one of the major cause of disability affecting large number of population in the world. Pain can an independent symptom, caused due to an underlying disease or as complication of a disease. It can be mild […]

Know More about Pregnancy Clothing

Know More about Pregnancy Clothing No matter what your preference is or style is, you need to feel comfortable during pregnancy. During pregnancy the body changes drastically. So wearing clothes that are comfortable for a growing body is essential. Going through nine months of pregnancy means you will be going through different seasons as well. […]

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