Understanding Diabetes and its treatments

Never Give Up On Your Determination to Fight and Win Against Diabetes What is Diabetes Mellitus and How it Occurs? Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. It is due to either the pancreas not producing enough […]


Insomnia Definition Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder affecting millions of people as either a primary or comorbid condition. The word “insomnia’ originates from the Latin “in” (no) and “somnus” (sleep). Insomnia is defined as a complaint of difficulty falling or staying asleep which is associated with significant distress or impairment in daytime function […]

Mud pack for eyes

Mud therapy Mud, a fundamental element of nature, exerts a profound influence on our body. Enriched with vital minerals, it bestows positive effects on human health. Through its unique ability to absorb toxins, mud becomes an effective preventive measure against various diseases. Widely recognized for its healing properties, mud therapy cools and relaxes the body, […]


Basti Basti is considered as the prime treatment among all the panchakarma. It has curative, preventive, and promotive aspects. Basti karma is a procedure where medicated preparations are administered through anal canal. It stays there for a period and comes out as mala(faeces). “Bastina diyathe iti basti” (A.Hru.Su. 19/1) Benefits Srotoshudhhi (Purifies all system and […]

Greeva basti for neck pain

Greeva basti for neck pain Neck pain is a common complaint of most of people. Common Causes are, Bad posture by using mobile phones and computer Work stress Lack of physical activity Poor lifestyle Neck pain may start gradually and get worsened by poor neck movements and wrong posture for prolonged duration. The muscular strain […]

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies There is a continuous effort across the world to control the spread and aid management of the Pandemic COVID-19 which has come as an earth-shattering contagious disease. While conventional medicine is doing its best job in the management of the infected, it’s very essential to prevent it from spreading to reduce […]

Understanding COVID-19 as per Ayurveda

Understanding COVID-19 as per Ayurveda Whenever a man has disobeyed nature’s law, nature has counteracted with massive forms of destruction. It conveys the message that whenever an effort is made to disturb nature, nature will destroy the human roots. This is agreed upon at different levels with different medical systems. The concept of infectious diseases, […]

Understanding Stress – Yogic perspective

Understanding Stress – Yogic perspective Stress plays an important role in the onset and management of many non- communicable disorders. According to the Yoga text – Yoga Vasista, the concept of ‘Adhija vyadhi’ explains about the diseases originating from stress and ‘Anadhija Vyadhi’ explains about the diseases which are not due to stress. The duality […]

Roga – Arogya Karanam

Roga – Arogya Karanam We often strive to maintain a work-life balance for adults, equal study and play time for kids. It is evident that excess or inadequacy of anyone would create trouble for us in some form or the other. Hence balance is the key. Ayurveda has always emphasized on the state of equilibrium […]

Do not fear Psoriasis

Do not fear Psoriasis! Psoriasis is an autoimmune, non-infectious  disorder that causes plaques, which are itchy or sore patches of thick, red, dry skin. The word “Psora” is Greek word meaning “Itch”. Psoriasis affects any part of the body. Psoriasis has a genetic predisposition, can develop at any age though often occurs between 15 and […]

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