5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness

5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness Most of the health issues are the result of poor lifestyle in other words result of our bad habits. Here are 5 common habits that may affect our health. Bathing After your meal: Every activity has to be done in specific time or else it way harm […]

Understanding Diabetes and its treatments

Never Give Up On Your Determination to Fight and Win Against Diabetes What is Diabetes Mellitus and How it Occurs? Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. It is due to either the pancreas not producing enough […]


Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Our bodies are constantly exposed to substances that can be harmful and have a negative impact on our health due to our modern lifestyles. These toxic substances, along with undigested metabolic byproducts referred to as “Ama” in Ayurvedic medicine, can accumulate and compromise our well-being. Taking steps to detoxify and removing these […]

Vasantika Vamana program – Vamana or Emesis during Spring

Vasantika Vamana program – Vamana or Emesis during Spring Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. It is preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy. Pancakarma includes Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Rakta mokshana. In Charaka Samhita – Agnivesha humbly submitted to Lord Atreya that such medicinal herbs have already been properly collected, […]

Panchakarma to Detox

‘Ayurveda’ The traditional Indian system of medicine which is about 6000 years old has explained the classification of various diseases, their signs, and symptoms, prognosis, prevention, and management. It evolved as a logical science and survived the transition of civilization.   There are two main principles which the science is based upon are ‘Swasthasya swāsthya rakṣanam’ […]

Roga – Arogya Karanam

Roga – Arogya Karanam We often strive to maintain a work-life balance for adults, equal study and play time for kids. It is evident that excess or inadequacy of anyone would create trouble for us in some form or the other. Hence balance is the key. Ayurveda has always emphasized on the state of equilibrium […]

VHG’s Approach to women’s health

VHG’s Approach to women’s health Health of women differs from men in distinct ways. Health is defined as the state of physical, mental and social wellbeing i.e., the condition where there is absence of diseases.  Every woman goes through a series of primary changes during her lifetime which is menarche, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. Female […]

Disease and Treatment of Tridosha

Disease and Treatment of Tridosha Human body is made of 3 dosha, Vata, pitta and kapha. The prakruti (nature) of a person is made of prakruta dosha (normal dosha) in the womb itself which will never change. In the diseased condition the dosha will vitiate and cause different symptoms. That can be corrected by different […]


Abhyanga Abhyanga is one of the daily routine or Dinacharya to be followed by everyone, where oil is used for massaging from head to toe. Benefits of Abhyanga : According to Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana, 2/8 अभ्यङ्गमाचरेनित्यं सजरश्रमवात: | द्रुष्टिप्रसाद पुष्टि आयुः स्वप्नसुक्त्वत्व दार्द्यक्रुत् ।। Abhyangam aacharet nityam sa jaraa shramavaataha | Drushti prasaada pushti aayu […]

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