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5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness

5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness

Most of the health issues are the result of poor lifestyle in other words result of our bad habits. Here are 5 common habits that may affect our health.

  • Bathing After your meal: Every activity has to be done in specific time or else it way harm to our body. When you take bath body temperature goes down making which may result in slow digestion. Also when temperature goes down blood flow is diverted from digestion to skin to maintain temperature.
  • Snacking every now and then: Snacking simply means eat or drink something between meals. 3 adequate meals with mid-morning and evening snack is considered healthy. But snacking every now and then, mindlessly indulging in biscuits bread or any food that matter leads to load on digestion and resulting on various disorders like obesity etc.
  • Sitting for long: Sitting for long is new smoking. Sitting for long weakens the low back muscles and improper blood circulation to the body. Also inadequate activity or sedentary lifestyle leads various lifestyle disorders.
  • Eating too fast: Nowadays most of the people eat in from of TV or Phone enjoying their part of the watch without even realizing what they are eating. Developing a healthy relationship with food is very important. Concentrating and enjoying the taste and aroma of food with proper chewing helps in lot of things giving ample of time to trigger the signal from brain. It takes about 10mins for your brain to send out signal of fullness.
  • Eating late night: Out of many effect caused by eating late here is simple one. When eat late in the night the food is not digested properly because of reduced gastric fire towards night. As a result it leads to digestive disorders. Try to give at least 2 hours of gap between your dinner and sleep.

Article By :
Dr. Shraddha Surathkal


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