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Ayurveda treatment in HSR


Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment

Our bodies are constantly exposed to substances that can be harmful and have a negative impact on our health due to our modern lifestyles. These toxic substances, along with undigested metabolic byproducts referred to as “Ama” in Ayurvedic medicine, can accumulate and compromise our well-being. Taking steps to detoxify and removing these substances is crucial for maintaining the overall wellbeing. From an Ayurvedic perspective, toxins and remnants can obstruct the vital channels in our body, disturbing the flow of energy and leading to imbalances. These imbalances can contribute to the development of diseases, commonly associated with our lifestyle choices. Panchakarma treatment focuses on removing accumulated toxins and remnants, freeing the body and restoring equilibrium.

What is Ayurveda in Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is a special Ayurvedic treatment that helps to cleanse and heal the body from within. It involves five specific procedures that remove toxins and provide relief to the body from various health problems. This therapy not only purifies the body but also offers preventive and curative benefits for a wide range of diseases.

Panchakarma, aims to rebalance the doshas and promote overall wellbeing. In addition to the cleansing treatments, it incorporates practices such as ayurvedic oil application, ayurvedic massage, rejuvenating steam baths, and the consumption of Ayurveda-compliant meals. These complementary components enhance the effectiveness of the purification process and helpto  support the body’s natural healing abilities.

Benefits of Panchakarma

Ayurveda is a comprehensive medical science that addresses the root causes of diseases. Primarily it provides two types of treatments:

  1. Shamana Chikitsa: Shamana Chikitsa focuses on alleviating symptoms through the administration of herbal medicines.

  2. Shodhana Chikitsa: Shodhana Chikitsa involves internal purification of the body using various procedures, including Panchakarma.

According to Ayurvedic, diseases cured through Shodhana or Panchakarma therapy are less likely to recur, whereas conditions treated with Shamana therapy may have a higher chance of recurrence.



Panchakarma is the procedure in which the vitiated Doshas are expelled out of the body through the nearest route.

Word Panchakarma is made of two words : Pancha and Karma.
Pancha : 5
Karma : procedures done to expel vitiated Doshas.

Panchakarma includes,

Panchakarma can be administered as Dinacharya, Ruthucharya and Vegavarodhajanya rogas (diseases caused due to retention of natural urges).

The procedure of Panchakarma is broadly divided into Poorva karma, Pradhana karma, and Paschat karma.

Poorva Karma

For a better outcome of Panchakarma treatment, it is essential to prepare the body before the main purification procedure. For this, we have three pre-purification measures –

  1. Deepana-Pachana
  2. Snehana
  3. Swedana

Deepana-pachana means oral administration of digestive herbs to increase Agni (the digestive fire) and liquefy the toxins so they can be removed easily from the body.

Snehana means Oleating the body. There are two types of Snehana- Internal and External.

  • Internal Oleation is the administration of medicated ghee internally. Ghee is ‌administered in increasing doses for 3-7 days. The type and dose of medicated ghee depend upon the disease condition and nature of the patient.
  • External Oleation means body massage using specific oils. It can be done for the entire body or just specific parts. Oils are selected as per the disease condition.

Oleation helps the toxins to move toward the gastrointestinal tract. It also softens the superficial and deep tissues and nourishes the nervous system.

Pradhana Karma

This procedure includes

  • Vamana karma : process in which vitiated doshas are expelled through the Urdhwabhaga i.e; oral cavity. Best treatment considered for Kaphaja vyadhis.
  • Virechana karma : process in which drugs administered acts over the doshas specifically Pitta dosha and expel it through the anal route. Virechana works for both Pitta and Kaphaja disorders.
  • Basti karma : any dysfunctions in the body is caused by Vata dosha. Basti karma is the best line of treatment for Vata doshajanya vyadhi. It is considered as the Ardha chikitsa. Major Basti classifications are Anuvasana and Asthapana basti.
  • Nasya karma : this procedure plays a major role in the diseases of Urdhwajatrugata vikaras (supra clavicular concerns). Medicine is given through the nasal route. Medicine spreads throughout the Shiras and expels the Doshas.

Paschat Karma

Due to the Pradhana karma the Agni of the patient is reduced. The patient cannot digest heavy foods. Therefore, Samsarjana karma is followed as Paschat karma.

  • Peyadi krama
  • Tarpanadi krama and
  • Rasa samsarjana


  • Improper digestion
  • Tastelessness
  • Obesity
  • Anemia
  • Heaviness
  • Tiredness without doing any work
  • Various skin eruptions
  • Itching
  • Ama dosha
  • Hridroga

To be avoided during panchakarma:

  • Speaking loudly
  • Traveling
  • Excessive walking
  • Indigestion
  • Consumption of food prior to the digestion of previous meals
  • Day sleep
  • Eating unhealthy food
  • Coitus

Benefits of Panchakarma

  • Normal functioning of Kosta
  • Increase in the Agni
  • Alleviation of the disease
  • Equilibrium of Doshas
  • Restoration of a function of the sense organs, mind
  • Strengthens body
  • Delayed aging
  • Not prone to diseases

Article By :
Ms. Architha J

Are there any side effects of Panchakarma?

It is essential to emphasize that Panchakarma treatment must always be conducted under the careful guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic physician. The therapy needs a thorough assessment and expert planning. In inexperienced hands, there is a potential risk of complications.

We at Vivekananda Health Global have helped hundreds of people undergo panchakarma treatment for various ailments including detoxing oneself.

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