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Ayurveda treatment in HSR




Basti is considered as the prime treatment among all the panchakarma. It has curative, preventive, and promotive aspects.

Basti karma is a procedure where medicated preparations are administered through anal canal. It stays there for a period and comes out as mala(faeces).

Bastina diyathe iti basti” (A.Hru.Su. 19/1)


  • Srotoshudhhi (Purifies all system and clear minute passages)

  • Vayasthapana (Sustains age)

  • Pushtikara (Provides strength to body)

  • Ruchi (Increases taste perception)

  • Shoolahara (Relieves pain)

  • Kukshiayama (Effective in GI tract disorders)

  • Vajikaroti (Aphrodisiac)

  • Medhokrut (Improves intellectual power)

  • Swapnanuvrutti (Induces sound sleep)


  • Based on location

Pakvashayagata basti : Administration of basti into colon through anal canal

Mutrashayagata basti : Administration of basti into urinary bladder through urethra

Garbhashayagata basti : Administration of basti into uterus through vagina

Vrana basti : Administration of basti into vrana for purification and healing purpose.

  • Based on medication used

Sneha basti : Snehas (medicated ghee,oil…) are administrated into colon through anal canal.

  • Anuvasana basti : Uses oil or ghee

  • Matra basti : Half dose of anuvasana basti

Niruha basti : Kashaya is the chief constituent of basti dravya along with Madhu (honey), Saindhava (salt), Kalka (paste) and Sneha (oil). In place of Kashaya – Ksheera (milk), Mamsa rasa (meat soup), Gomutra (Cow’s urine) etc are used.

  • Based on number of Basti

i)Karma basti : 30 basti are to be administered.

ii)Kala basti : 16 basti are to be administered

iii)Yoga basti : 8 basti are to be administered

This procedure includes : Poorva karma, Pradhana karma, paschat karma

Poorva Karma – Pre Preparation


  • Selection of indicated patient

  • Examination of the vitals of patient

  • Prepare basti dravya

  • Patient is asked to pass faeces, urine, and flatus

  • Abhyanga (Massage) and Swedana (Fomentation) is given to patient

  • Patient is asked to come in empty stomach (Niruha basti)

Advised to take food (Anuvasana basti)

Pradhana Karma – Main Procedure

  • Administered in afternoon after digestion of previous meal and not feeling hungry.

  • Patient is asked to lie down on left side and keep his/head on his/her arms like pillow.

  • Patient is asked to flex his/her right leg, left leg fully extended.

  • Anus and enema nozzle is lubricated. Air bubble is removed, and enema nozzle is introduced slowly.

  • Slowly inject the basti content and gradually withdraw the nozzle.

  • Patient is said to lie on his/her back with his/her body in raised position.

  • On urge for defecation, he should not suppress it.

Paschat Karma – Post Preparation

  • Niruha basti : Warm water bath

: Diet – Rice with soup of meat or pulses

  • Anuvasana basti : Buttocks of patient is patted

: Relax in supine position

: Raise foot end of the table to little extent

Symptoms of Proper Adminitstration

  • Prasrushta vit (Evacuation of bowel without discomfort)

  • Prasrushta mutra (Evacuation of urine without discomfort)

  • Ruchi in ahara (Taste in food)

  • Agni vruddhi (Good appetite)

  • Ashaya laghava (Lightness of body)

  • Rogopashamana (Recovery of disease)

  • Bala (Increases strength)

  • Clarity of senses, intellect

  • Returning of faeces and oil separately without sticking with each other


  • Kukshi roga(GI disorders)

  • Obstruction to flow of Varcha(Faeces), Mutra(Urine)

  • Adhmana(Distension of abdomen)

  • Shiroshula(Headache), Karna shula(Earache)

  • Shosha(Emaciation)

  • Arthritis

  • Cardiac disorders

  • Tremors

  • Ajeerna(Just after meals)

  • Yanaklanta(Excessive traveling)

  • Kshut trushna(Hungry, Thirsty)

  • Ama atisara(Diarrhoea due to indigestion)

  • Visuchika(Gastroenteritis)

  • Intestinal obstruction

  • Kushta(Skin disorders)

Article By :
Ms. Arpitha (Final year BAMS student)


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