Best Ayurvedic Treatment
Pain Clinic
Pain, often regarded as the most unpleasant sensation, can have a profound impact on one's quality of life, leading to a significant decrease in overall well-being. Pain clinics use a multidisciplinary approach to help people take an active role in managing their pain and regaining control of their life. Although pain clinics differ in their focus and offerings, we at VHG, can help you with a variety of strategies to manage your pain originating in different parts of the body whether you are suffering from backpain, neckpain or any other joint pain. VHG provides comprehensive pain management services to patients suffering from both acute and chronic pain conditions.
We treat
Womens Health Clinic
Although women and men suffer from several similar chronic health problems, but women have their own unique health issues, which needs special consideration. PCOD/PCOS, fertility issue, menstrual problems and early menopause are frequently encountered health issues among women.There is a continuous transition from menarche to menopause in women and is marked by specific signs and symptoms, such as menstrual cramps, mood swings, hot flushes weight gain and many more. Understand how healthy lifestyle choices can help you feel your best at any stage and know when to ask your doctor for additional suggestions.
VHG offers a broad spectrum of healthcare services, attending to a diverse range of health complaints from young girls to elderly women, encompassing both simple and complex conditions.
- Painful periods
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome - Know more
- Endometriosis, Menorrhagia
- Pre- menstrual syndrome
- Pelvic pain: Kidney stones, Menstrual pain, Endometriosis
- Menopausal syndrome - Know more
Infertility Clinic
The infertility issue is increasing globally signifying a growing challenge among individuals. Infertility is a complex reproductive condition that may prevent pregnancy from occurring or continuing. This may be due to a single cause in either of the partners and sometimes, there can be many causes of infertility and its difficult to identify the reason behind it. Only a health care professional can identify the cause and find the best treatment for you. In general, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year of unprotected sex. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve chances of getting pregnant. Infertility in women includes ovulatory disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, and the women older than 35 years and have not conceived during a 6-month period of trying, should consider making an appointment with a infertility specialist experienced in Integrative medicine. These doctors may be able to help women with recurrent pregnancy loss or spontaneous miscarriages.
This clinic manages
- Female infertility
- Male infertility
- Unexplained infertility
Obesity Clinic
Obesity is a complex long-term health condition that continues over time. Obesity affects both children as well as adults. Well, what causes obesity? Your eating patterns, physical activity levels and sleep routines can contribute to excess weight gain. Considered as life style disorder, obesity can cause major threat to your vital organs. This clinic aims to address the health risks and the treatment options for Obesity. There are medical complications associated with obesity and the clinic has an advantage of being integrated with Ayurveda and yoga therapies.
Obesity linked disorders are
- Diabetes - Know More
- Hypertension
- Coronary artery disease
- Hypothyroidism - Know More
- Sleep apnoea
Who doesn't dream of having healthy hair and skin? Healthy hair and skin enhances the beauty of a person. But ,hair fall problem has become a common concern in households everywhere. Very often what enhances the charisma of a man or overall attractiveness and glamour of a woman is their hair. Our customized hairfall solution program heals, nourishes and strengthens the scalp and every hair strand from its root ensuring that your hair stays healthy and beautiful with its natural lively and radiant shine.. On doing everyday jobs, skin damage has become a prevalent concern due to the escalating pollution levels, affecting a substantial number of people,the skin become rough and gradually loses its softness with age. Therefore, taking care of the skin is a must in order to feel and remain young. Effective skin care involves addressing both internal and external factors to promote its well-being. VHG offers a combination of herbal treatments, actionable tips, and dietary recommendations to rejuvenate your skin effectively.
This clinic offers treatments for
- Hair fall, Dandruff
- Premature greying and baldness
- Acne
- Dermatitis
To treat the health problems in children and maintain their health by boosting their immunity is crucial. The prescription helps in building up a child’s strength to fight against diseases and provides supplementary nutrition. The child is seen by an experienced physician and the supervision continues for any child between 6 months to 13 years of age. Yoga is included as a special program for child’s mental as well as physical health.
This clinic attends to
- Reduced general immunity
- Acute Respiratory Infections
- Delayed milestones
- Developmental disorders
- Autism - Know more
Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the ever-increasing demands of life. In looking at the causes of stress, remember that your brain comes hard-wired with an alarm system for your protection. When your brain perceives a threat, it signals your body to release a burst of hormones to fuel your capacity for a response. This has been labelled the “fight-or-flight” response. Once the threat is gone, your body is meant to return to a normal relaxed state. Unfortunately, the nonstop stress of modern life means that your alarm system rarely shuts off. That’s why stress management becomes important. Without stress management, your body is always on high alert. When the stress response keeps firing, day after day, it leads to health problems.
This clinic manages
It aims to promote health by managing diseases and disabilities in older adults. Rejuvenating and restorative treatments are designed to reduce stress and anxiety, balance and tone the body, calm the mind and nurture the spirit. Rejuvenation therapies, specifically for geriatric care like Pizhichil, Njavarakizhi, and Abhyanga strengthen the system, invigorate immunity and impart freshness in the body. Panchakarma therapies, particularly medicated enemas, relieve constipation and correct digestive disorders. Shirodhara nourishes the head region, which is the abode of all the sense organs. Therapeutic yoga, meditation and pranayama sessions add to the individual’s overall well-being.
This clinic attends to
- Adult onset Diabetes
- Degenerative disorders- Osteoporosis, Arthritis etc
- Neuro degenerative disorders- Dementia, Parkinson’s disease
The goals of rehabilitation are to reduce the symptoms, disability, handicap and to improve functional independence in people. It is assumed that optimum medical management has been achieved or continued alongside the rehabilitation process. The process incorporates a program of physical training using Yoga therapy, external Ayurveda or Naturopathy treatments, disease education, diet counselling using Ayurveda and Naturopathy based dietetics and psychological counselling using Yogic counselling methods.
Fields of Rehab
- Cardiac rehab
- Musculoskeletal rehab