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Best Natural Remedies for Women’s Health

Best Natural Remedies for Women’s Health

 Remedies for Women’s Health
Remedies for Women’s Health

The true beauty of a woman is in Health and in her ability to be active. A woman experiences different health challenges across the various stages of her life. As a teen she experiences menarche based challenges and problems. As a young adult needs to attend to her career growth managing premenstrual symptoms and further step into the enjoyable stage of Pregnancy. After childbirth challenges to preserve health increases. Many women experience menstrual disorders at different stages of their life and as age advances the phase of Menopause sets in with its own set of challenges.

Yoga Lifestyle
Yoga Lifestyle

Yoga Lifestyle

The challenges of a woman’s life can be moderated and treated effectively with the intervention of Yoga.
Yoga helps in controlling discomfort and eases anxiety in young girls, reduces severity and duration of primary dysmenorrhea by bringing down serum homocysteine levels.
In females suffering from premenstrual stress intervention of Yoga showed a reduction in an abnormally high basal sympathetic activity and a heightened relaxation response.
Yoga also influences the change in female hormones in conditions of PCOS, decreases pain and improves QOL in women suffering from endometriosis and adenomyosis.
In perimenopausal and menopausal women, yoga intervention significantly shows improved quality of life and increase in oestrogen.
Yoga is a very useful tool not only for treatment of health problems but also to balance Mind and Body to preserve a woman’s health.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Ayurveda is a health care system sensitive to women’s special health needs. Women are far more sensitive to the rhythms and cycles of nature and Ayurveda is founded on the principle of keeping the body toned in tune with nature.
Ayurvedic text declares, “If a cup filled with oil right up to the brim is to be carried without spilling even a single drop, every step has to be taken with care” (CS Cs 8/22), the texts emphasizes that a similar care and attention is required in taking care of a pregnant woman. It will nourish and protect the mother and the growing foetus, culminating in a healthy mother and a healthy child.
Therefore from Maternal care to treatment of various female health problems, Ayurveda offers a holistic solution.

Ayurvedic care
Ayurvedic care
Accupuncture pelvic pain
Accupuncture pelvic pain


Acupuncture plays a pivotal role as an adjunct in many pain related conditions of women such as dysmenorrhea and Chronic pelvic pain.
Integrating the systems of medicine for the best and long term solutions of health problems is the essential aspect of treatment in today’s life.
As clinicians play a vital role in assisting evidence-informed decisions, we need to ensure women understand the evidence and can integrate it with personal preferences. Likewise, cost to the individual and the health system needs to be considered in the context of value-based health care.