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Janu basti for Knee pain

Janu basti for Knee painKnee Pain is one of the commonest pains seen especially after 40years of age. The pain interferes in daily activity including walking. The knee joint is made of bone cartilage ligaments when there is a problem with any of this structure pain is seen. There is...

Greeva basti for neck pain

Greeva basti for neck painNeck pain is a common complaint of most of people.Common Causes are,Bad posture by using mobile phones and computerWork stressLack of physical activityPoor lifestyleNeck pain may start gradually and get worsened by poor neck movements and wrong posture for prolonged duration.The muscular strain may aggravate work...


Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Our bodies are constantly exposed to substances that can be harmful and have a negative impact on our health due to our modern lifestyles. These toxic substances, along with undigested metabolic byproducts referred to as "Ama" in Ayurvedic medicine, can accumulate and compromise our well-being. Taking steps...

Vasantika Vamana program – Vamana or Emesis during Spring

Vasantika Vamana program – Vamana or Emesis during Spring Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. It is preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy. Pancakarma includes Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Rakta mokshana. In Charaka Samhita - Agnivesha humbly submitted to Lord Atreya that such medicinal herbs...

Panchakarma to Detox

‘Ayurveda’ The traditional Indian system of medicine which is about 6000 years old has explained the classification of various diseases, their signs, and symptoms, prognosis, prevention, and management.It evolved as a logical science and survived the transition of civilization.   There are two main principles which the science is based upon...

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologies

Ayurveda and Preventive methodologiesThere is a continuous effort across the world to control the spread and aid management of the Pandemic COVID-19 which has come as an earth-shattering contagious disease. While conventional medicine is doing its best job in the management of the infected, it’s very essential to prevent it...

Understanding COVID-19 as per Ayurveda

Understanding COVID-19 as per Ayurveda Whenever a man has disobeyed nature’s law, nature has counteracted with massive forms of destruction. It conveys the message that whenever an effort is made to disturb nature, nature will destroy the human roots. This is agreed upon at different levels with different medical systems....

Understanding Headache as per Ayurveda

Understanding Headache as per Ayurveda Shirahshoola (Head pain) is described in Ayurveda not only as the symptom of many diseases but also as an independent disease entity as Shiroroga (Diseases of the Head). Shirahshoola is also mentioned as synonym of Shiroroga. Charaka has mentioned Shiroruk as separate disease among eight...

Kati basti for Back pain

Kati basti for Back painPain in the lower back is a most common complaint with many adults. With school from home and work from home being the norm, we see this complaint increasing even in young adults. Every 8 people out of 10 have backpain at some point in life....

Yoga Therapy for Back Pain

Yoga Therapy for Back PainPain in the lower is most common presenting complaint. Every 8 people out of 10 has backpain at some point in life. It can result from Injuries, Conditions and disease. Pain can range from mild to few cases pain may cause difficult to walk sleep...