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Tips to Feel Better during Pregnancy

Tips to Feel Better during PregnancyThough pregnancy is the most cherishable phase there are ups and down's during pregnancy. Handling the common complaints and keeping oneself at ease is not difficult.Some tips to help cope:Nausea and vomitingEat small portions for a meal.Avoid spices like green chilly, black pepper etc.Avoid oily...

2022 Seasonal Disease in India and its Prevention Measures

2022 Seasonal Disease in India and its Prevention MeasuresThere are profound climate changes occur within the annual cycle. The severity of the changes depends on the latitude of location. Every being has to cope up with the changes that is happening. We often see pain are triggered during winter because...

Sleep – An underrated medicine

Sleep - an underrated medicineSleep in its purest form is bliss and Blessing. When we talk about health we often talk about food, exercises, but what we forget or overlook is sleep. Managing to get sound sleep in the night is very crucial and as important as nutrition and exercise.Studies...

Migraine headache Management

 Migraine headache management using Ayurveda and YogaThe pattern of Migraine headaches has changed during the pandemic. The very first wave of COVID created panic and therefore People reported an increase in attacks. During the interval between 1 st and 2 nd wave of Delta variant, people were a littler relaxed...

The best Detox and Knee pain Kit

The Best Detox and Knee pain Kit (Do It Yourself KIT)Services have evolved during the phase of pandemic to suit the needs of the patients.Don't worry if you are skeptical about stepping out of your house due to a pandemic or you're located away from us. As we consult with...

Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb – VASA (Adhatoda Vasica)

VASA (ADHATODA VASICA)Vasa Herb is an Ayurvedic supplement for healthy respiration and lungs.Commonly known as Adulsa, is a popular herb that is used in homes across all regions. It finds its way in many cough syrups due its proven efficacy as a herbal bronchodilator. Nevertheless it has been around from...

Covid Care using Ayurveda and Yoga

COVID CARE USING AYURVEDA AND YOGACOVID (Corona Virus Disease) evolved as a pandemic of international concern in 2019 and has been prevalent through different variants or strains such as Delta or Omicron even now in 2022.How can we fight it? Still remains!! Do we prioritise improving immunity to prevent!! Do...

Chyawanprash – The Elixir for respiratory immunity

Chyawanprash – The Elixir for respiratory immunityChyawanprash is an Avaleha (polyherbal jam) prepared according to the traditional Ayurvedic recipe, enriched with a synergistic blend of around 50 medicinal herbs and spices including amla (Emblica officinalis/Indian gooseberry), the richest source of Vitamin C.There is an interesting mythological story behind the Origin...

Treatment Principles (Cikitsa) as per Ayurveda

Treatment Principles (Cikitsa) as per Ayurveda Ayurveda treatises explain different line of treatments beginning with nidana-parivarjana (abstinence from etiological factors). The objective is to reduce the frequency of attacks and to improve quality of life. By adapting dinacharya (daily regimen) and rutucharya (seasonal regimen) the frequency of health problems can...