Ayurveda treatment in HSR

Best Natural treatment for Gall bladder stones

Best natural treatment for Gall bladder stones By Dr.Anitha | Jun 25, 2022 Gall bladder stones: Gall stones are the hard deposited digestive waste or fluids in the gall bladder. It is also named as cholelithiasis. Gall bladder is a pear shape of sac present in the right hypochondrium of...

OM Meditation

OM MeditationBy Dr.Anitha | Jun 21, 2022Meditation/ Dhyana is an 7th limb of astanga yoga. The culturing of mind is accomplished by focusing the mind initially. Later on we can start doing different types of meditation. A progressive habituation allows the mind to remain relaxed during the period of meditation.OM...

Eight limbs of Yoga and their Benefits

Eight limbs of Yoga By Dr.Shraddha Surathkal | Jun 11, 2022 Eight limbs of yoga are also called “Astanga yoga”. Astanga yoga is divided 2 parts. Bahiranga yoga and Antaranga yoga. Bahiranga yoga is to gain mastery over mind by using indirect techniques and antaranga yoga is to directly handle...

Saral Yoga and their Benefits

Saral YogaBy Dr.Shraddha Surathkal | Jun 05, 2022Yoga is a science of calming down the mind (that brings harmony in mind, body and spirit). It is an ancient Indian science that has been used for therapeutic benefits in numerous health concerns in which mental stress was believed to play a...

Autoimmune Arthritis

Autoimmune Arthritis By Dr.Vasudha Sharma | Jun 04, 2022 Autoimmune arthritis is the name given to a group of arthritis types where a person's immune system attacks itself. The most common example is Rheumatoid arthritis. World Autoimmune Arthritis Day was established in 2012 by the International Autoimmune Arthritis Movement (IAAM)...

Best Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins

Best Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins By Dr. Anitha | Jun 03, 2022 Varicose veins: Varicose veins are enlarged/bulged and twisted veins occur most of the time in lower limbs. Veins are actual blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood from parts of the body to the heart for oxygenation. As...

Hyper Acidity and Yoga Therapy

What is Hyper Acidity? Hyper acidity is nothing but increased acid secretion in the digestive tract, that is in the stomach, intestine etcetera. Why does Acid level Increases? Or Common Causes of Hyper acidity: Life style and food habits are the main source of getting hyper acidity.Food habits including, increased...

Reasons for Being Healthy

We often strive to maintain a work-life balance for adults, equal study and play time for kids. It is evident that excess or inadequacy of anyone would create trouble for us in some form or the other. Hence balance is the key. Ayurveda has always emphasized on the state of...

Patra pinda sweda

Patra pinda sweda is a form of Swedana. Swedana basically is the procedure where heat is applied over the body and sweat is induced. It can be in the form of steam or bringing the body in contact with heated herbs or medicines.This procedure is mainly treated for Vata and Pittaja vikaras.Patra means leaves, Pinda refers to a bolus, Sweda refers to the Swedana therapy(Sweating)....


Aragvadha By Dr.Vasudha Sharma | May 19, 2022 Botanical Name: Cassia Fistula We have all witnessed the beauty of Golden shower trees in bloom. Amaltas as we know it, is also called 'purging cassia' for the effect of its fruit when consumed. Fruit pulp is a safe laxative because of...

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