Acupressure Acupressure involves the application of manual pressure on specific points of the body. Acupressure is otherwise needleless acupuncture. Acupressure has been used to treat different disorders for thousands of years in China with principles of traditional Chinese medicine. There are energy meridians through which flows vital energy or life...
ShirodharaShirodhara basically means : Shiro-Head and Dhara-Flow. It is a technique where liquids like milk, buttermilk, water, or oil are poured onto the head. It is often done along with, body or head massage.It is also called as Shiroseka.It is one among the Murdhni taila which means different methods of...
Acupuncture Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese system of medicine in which thin needles are inserted in specific acupuncture points. The mainstay of acupuncture therapy is the concept of energy flow in the body through well defined energy channels with their main reflections on the energy stations termed as acupuncture points....
Spiny gourd or the teasle gourd or “Kantola”
Spiny gourd or the teasle gourd or "Kantola"With the arrival of monsoon, this spiny stout cousin of bitter gourd or the karela finds its place on our local vegetable vendor’s cart.Kantola is high on fibre, low on calories and rich in phyto proteins. Also contains flavonoids for skin health. Belonging...
Yoga is a Light, that will never dim
Yoga is a Light, Once Lit, will never dim The Better You Practice, the brighter the flame.
Mud Therapy
The Surprising Benefits of Mud Therapy Nature often offers effective solutions to problems and diseases without the side effects commonly associated with medications. The Earth's abundant nutrients and minerals have the power to heal our bodies holistically, promoting a better lifestyle. Among these natural remedies, mud therapy stands out as...
Jala Neti
Jala Neti Hatha Yoga, as described in the early yoga Upanishads, is made up of the shatkarmas and is a very precise and systemic science. Shat means 6 and karma means action, and shatkarmas consist of six group of purification practices. Neti is one among them. Neti : A process...
Abhyanga Abhyanga is one of the daily routine or Dinacharya to be followed by everyone, where oil is used for massaging from head to toe. Benefits of Abhyanga : According to Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana, 2/8 अभ्यङ्गमाचरेनित्यं सजरश्रमवात: | द्रुष्टिप्रसाद पुष्टि आयुः स्वप्नसुक्त्वत्व दार्द्यक्रुत् ।। Abhyangam aacharet nityam sa jaraa shramavaataha...
Health, An Ayurvedic perspective
Health, An Ayurvedic Perspective The distinctive feature of Ayurveda is that the primary emphasis is on maintaining a healthy state of being and then comes the curative aspect. Health here is in relation with both body and mind and reflects at all levels from the cell to the whole body....
Bronchial asthma and Yoga therapy
Bronchial Asthma and Yoga Therapy What is Bronchial Asthma? It is a condition where the airway becomes narrow, swollen and mucus is produced so the air-filled sacs are now filled with mucus which makes it difficult to breathe. Causes and Risk Factors: Exposing to cold, dust or polluted air Smoking...