Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese system of medicine in which thin needles are inserted in specific acupuncture points.
The mainstay of acupuncture therapy is the concept of energy flow in the body through well defined energy channels with their main reflections on the energy stations termed as acupuncture points. These energy stations when pricked with needle have the capacity of influencing energy flow, and curing the disorder. These points are not necessarily located on the diseased parts, and are not exact local treatment points. They might be far away from diseased site and endowed with healing capacity from the distant location.
There are many theories explaining about mechanism of acupuncture
Traditional Theory
Concept of Qi:
The Qi is Described as vital motivating force in the body which burns as the fuel throughout one’s life. In the Indian philosophy it is know as prana.
The principle of prana or prana vayu is quite similar to the traditional Chinese concept of Qi.
It is the main working force behind all the events of the life and controls the functioning of the organ and system of the body. If there is any imbalance in Qi there is symptoms in the physical body.
Modern Theory
Gate Control Theory of pain:
The theory is based on the work on of Ronald Melzack and Wald. They proposed the concept of Functional gates through which all pain impulses pass. All impulses are first controlled and modulated in the functional gates. When they reach cerebral cortex, patient responds by feeling pain. By stimulating acupuncture points, the overcrowding and confusion occur and pain impulses are jammed at functional gates. This result in raised pain threshold and analgesia.
Acupuncture is a drug less treatment helps in managing many conditions effectively.
Musculoskeletal disorders
- Tennis elbow
- Frozen shoulder
- Sciatica
- Back pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Neck pain
Respiratory disorders
- Sinusitis
- Bronchial asthama
Gynecological disorders
- Infertility
- Dysmenorrhea
Psychiatric disease
- Anxiety disorder
- Insomnia
Article By :
Dr. Shraddha Surathkal