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Case study on PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a medical condition in women were the immature egg is produced in the ovaries and forms as cysts. Exact cause for the PCOS is unknown but is said to occur due to hormonal imbalance. Sedentary lifestyle with stress, irregular food/sleep habits and lack of physical activity leads to hormonal imbalance. The rate of PCOS is increasing day by day in India and becoming very common health issue in women all over the world. The major symptoms of PCOS are irregular menstruation with heavy bleeding, acne and hair loss. In PCOS, Immature ovarian follicles that do not release the ovum /egg form multiple cysts in ovaries. Usually insulin resistance or increased blood sugar is noted in most of the Women with PCOS.

Case at VHG:

A 33 years old female came with the complaint of irregular menstruation and severe pain in abdomen during menstruation. She also had fatigue and weight gain. There was a history of hypothyroidism. She had family history of diabetes and family h/o PCOD.

Menstrual history – 5-6 days/40-60 days with pain in abdomen.

Personal history –

Occupation – HR manager in private company and stressed with the work and her health issue. she was sensitive and anxious person.

Diet –mixed diet, more junk food

Sleep – disturbed sleep, normal bowel and bladder.

Treatment at VHG:

Participant had a consultation with a senior consultant and got the advise consisting of medicines and treatments which included Ayurveda, Acupuncture and Yoga therapy

Acupuncture and yoga therapy was administered for 10 days

Then Patient underwent prescribed internal cleansing treatment of Virechana after the body was prepared with deepana and pachana. Patient was administered 5 days of snehapana, 3 days of sarvanga abhyanga and sweda, followed by virechana (purgation).

The images of the USG scan shows

1. Pre-

2. Post-

Given Acupuncture and Nasya for 7 days

Then Patient underwent prescribed treatment of Gastro-hepatic pack and yoga therapy for 7 days after that Patient had her menstrual cycle. After her periods got over she was prescribed with ayurveda treatment called virechana. Virechana procedure includes snehapana, sarvangaabhyanga with swedana. Virechana is nothing but a purgation therapy, one of the internal cleansing therapies with 5 days of snehapana, 3 days of sarvanga Abhyanga and sweda, followed by virechana (purgation).

After that she was told to continue with ayurvedic medications and yoga therapy at home.

Pre and Post data:

USG Reports

Pre - Right ovary showed a cyst with internal echoes suggestive of corpus albicans. Right side hydrosalphinx with chronic inflammation of the walls. Bilateral fallopian tube with inflamed walls. Left ovary appeared normal with a follicle

Post - Right ovary appeared normal Both fallopian tubes are visualized in their entire length and are normal.


Study has shown that the there is no cysts in the ovaries after taking the treatments of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy. So here we conclude that Integrative approach of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy is definitely a wonderful way of treating PCOS and other women health issues.

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