Seasonal Diet Tips

Seasonal Diet Tips The creation of this universe according to Hindu mythology is based on the concept of Panchamaha Bhutas. Namely Prithvi, Jala, Teja, Vayu, & Aakasha. Every matter is made up of the above entities. Even Human beings are a composition of Panchamaha Bhutas. Any changes in the universe directly affects the body. In […]

How to deal with new covid Variant?

How to deal with new COVID variant? What to know about the latest COVID variant?  How to deal with it? We are no longer in the lockdown phase. Every day, we have to go out for work and send our kids to school. No more work from home and online classes. In such a situation, […]

 Chronic Migraine Pain Relief

Sustaining Relief: Strategies for Managing Chronic Migraine Pain in the Long Term Migraines often go unnoticed, undiagnosed, and untreated in everyday medical practice. While people mention positive effects from preventive medications, these treatments come with drawbacks like drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, and even serious side effects. Since migraines vary among individuals and it’s […]

Ayurveda for People with Disabilities

Ayurveda for People with Disabilities December 3rd was celebrated Internationally as the Day for Person’s with Disabilities People with Disabilities use the inherent ability more than normal individuals and that’s the leap forward towards being achievers.People should learn from the stories of individuals and should continue to fight all odds like Arunima Sinha who pushed […]


25th International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications (INCOFYRA) Integrative Sports Medicine And rehabilitation Main Conference Highlights The 25th INCOFYRA  will address the practice and future of complementary, or non-traditional, medical care to address the board scope of Sports Medicine to produce outcomes conductive to prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation for athletes.  Dates […]

Case study on Renal calculi

Renal calculi refer to the stones formed in the urinary system. The urinary system includes kidney, ureter and bladder. Most of stones are formed from the calcium oxalate and will be in kidney or ureters. It is associated with the pain in abdomen, groin area or flank. Urinary issues with nausea vomiting are the common […]

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neuro generative disorder affecting the both cognitive and behavioral affections, which significantly affects the normal functioning. The symptoms worsen over time and patients end up with progressive memory loss, trouble concentrating, loss of judgement and language skills, personality changes. The main feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the progressive accumulation of beta […]

Integrative Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation

Integrative Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation “Let’s include in the harmony of nature, uniting the mind & body, thought & actions. It’s a reminder for all of us to include yoga in our everyday routine & involve the younger generations too for a holistic approach to health & well-being.”               […]

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