Women's Wellness Workshop The genuine beauty of a woman lies in her overall well-being and her capacity to lead an active lifestyle. Throughout the various stages of life, women encounter diverse health challenges. During adolescence, they face challenges related to menarche and associated issues. As young adults, they must balance...
International Yoga Day – 2024
International Yoga Day International Yoga Day Celebration 2024 at Vivekananda Health Global Call us to Join FREE elderly Yoga Session - 91 95913 36226 Click here for Corporate Yoga Support Yoga is a physical , mental , and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It encompasses a wide range...
Multidisciplinary Treatment for Infertility
Ayurveda treatment for Infertility : Infertility is common problem, affecting approximately 10 –15% of couples worldwide. Out of 100 couples, 10 to 15 of them will have difficulty getting pregnant after trying to one year or two Infertility is the inability of a woman to conceive after trying to get...
Case Study on Migraine
Migraine is a neurological condition characterized by throbbing / pulsing / beating type of pain on one side of the head. Migraine headache are usually triggered by various factors like stress, environmental factors, certain foods and hormonal changes. Patient at VHG: A female patient aged 38 years came with the...
Integrative approach to Avascular Necrosis (AVN)
AVN - Avascular necrosis refers to death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply. It is also named as osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, ischemic bone necrosis. Loss of blood supply to the bone tissues leads to tiny break in the bones and cause bone collapse. It typically affects the...
Case study on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder including inflammation of the one or more joints of our body. Here the immune cells attack on healthy cells and destroys the normal function of it. In this condition there will be pain with swelling of the joints and restricted movement with stiffness. High...
Case study – Secondary Amenorrhea (absence of periods)
Amenorrhea is absence of menstruation. Secondary amenorrhea refers that no menstruation for 3 months or longer. It occurs naturally in a woman with pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Other causes are as followed for secondary amenorrhea • Medications for long duration • Contraceptives • Sedentary lifestyle • Hormonal imbalance • Medical...
Case study – Sciatica
Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. Sciatica most often occurs when a herniated disk or an overgrowth of bone puts pressure on part of the nerve....
Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
MSRT is an advanced guided Meditation technique. It is that technique that can take you into a deeply rested state of mind body complex through experiencing the internal sound resonance all over the body. It strengthens the will power and promotes positive health. MSRT Steps STEP 1 : Opening prayer...
Integrated Treatment Approach to Uveitis- A Case Report
Uveitis is the inflammation of Uvea, the Pigmented layer that lies between the inner Retina and outer fibrous layer composed of sclera and cornea. Anterior uveitis is an inflammation of uveal tissue from iris to pars plicata. It can be categorized as iriditis, cyclitis, and iridocyclitis. It’s characterized by photophobia,...