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Obesity and Its Management

Obesity and Its Management Obesity is excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat that may impair health. Body mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight for height that is commonly used to classify overweight in adults. Overall, about 13% of the world’s population is obese and prevalence of obesity...

Disease and Treatment of Tridosha

Disease and Treatment of Tridosha Human body is made of 3 dosha, Vata, pitta and kapha. The prakruti (nature) of a person is made of prakruta dosha (normal dosha) in the womb itself which will never change. In the diseased condition the dosha will vitiate and cause different symptoms. That...


Acupressure Acupressure involves the application of manual pressure on specific points of the body. Acupressure is otherwise needleless acupuncture. Acupressure has been used to treat different disorders for thousands of years in China with principles of traditional Chinese medicine. There are energy meridians through which flows vital energy or life...

Management of Covid-19 through Yoga Therapy

Management of Covid-19 through Yoga Therapy As we all know Covid-19 has changed our complete 2 years of life with ups and downs. We came to know the Importance of immunity, value of nature and some disciplined habits like regular yoga practice, nutritious food etc. Corona virus has attacked N...

Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine Traditional Chinese medicine dates back centuries old which aim at preventing and managing different disorders by restoring balance between yin and yang. In ancient Chinese literature the concept of yin and yang is usually depicted in the form of the so-called ‘Chinese monad’. It is represented by...

Yoga For Students

Yoga For StudentsThe stage of student life is wonderful and the base for FUTURE. In this competitive world students are stressed up with many things such as, lack of concentration, fear, exam tension, distracted mind, lack of sleep, addiction to mobile and video games and much more!!So how can we...


ShirodharaShirodhara basically means : Shiro-Head and Dhara-Flow. It is a technique where liquids like milk, buttermilk, water, or oil are poured onto the head. It is often done along with, body or head massage.It is also called as Shiroseka.It is one among the Murdhni taila which means different methods of...


AcupunctureAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese system of medicine in which thin needles are inserted in  specific acupuncture points.The mainstay of acupuncture therapy is the concept of energy flow in the body through well defined energy channels with their main reflections on the energy stations termed as acupuncture points. These energy...

Spiny gourd or the teasle gourd or “Kantola”

Spiny gourd or the teasle gourd or "Kantola"With the arrival of monsoon, this spiny stout cousin of bitter gourd or the karela finds its place on our local vegetable vendor’s cart.Kantola is high on fibre, low on calories and rich in phyto proteins. Also contains flavonoids for skin health. Belonging...