Yoga for Dysmenorrhea

Yoga for Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) Dysmenorrhea is painful menses. Menstrual disorders are becoming common with the main cause being irregular lifestyle. About 75% of women experience pain as one of the symptom of menstrual disorder. The excessive contraction in myometrial muscles hinders proper blood flow and therefore improper oxygenation in myometrial cells causes pain. The […]

Ayurveda & Yoga for management of Migraine headache without aura

Ayurveda & Yoga for management of Migraine headache without aura Migraine is a common disabling primary headache disorder characterized by periodic, unilateral, throbbing headaches with associated symptoms of nausea and vomiting usually beginning in childhood, adolescence or early adult life. It recurs in diminishing numbers and intensity during advancing years. It is divided into two […]

Stress Management Through Yoga Therapy

Stress Management Through Yoga Therapy Stress is a common condition, a response to a physical threat or psychological distress. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can arrive at any time during a situation of frustration, anger and nervousness. Types of Stress: There are many types of Stress,  classified on the basis […]

Ayurveda and Yoga for Special Children

Ayurveda and Yoga for Special Children Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) characteristics include “markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication, and restricted activity and interest repertoires”. Since no single intervention has proved effective in alleviating ASD’s core symptoms, many parents of children with ASD use Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) or Mind-body therapies. […]

Bronchial asthma and Yoga therapy

Bronchial Asthma and Yoga Therapy What is Bronchial Asthma? It is a condition where the airway becomes narrow, swollen and mucus is produced so the air-filled sacs are now filled with mucus which makes it difficult to breathe. Causes and Risk Factors: Exposing to cold, dust or polluted air Smoking Infections such as cold, flu […]


Dry eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a prevalent skin condition marked by dry, itchy, and inflamed areas of skin. It is frequently associated with a genetic predisposition to allergies and can be triggered by environmental factors such as dry weather, irritants, and certain foods. Treatment usually includes moisturizing lotions to relieve dryness, topical corticosteroids to […]

A Holistic Approach to Relieving Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is something that many of us experience at some point in our lives, with up to 85% of adults dealing with it. Whether it’s a dull, nagging ache or a sharp, persistent pain, it can be incredibly disruptive. Most of the time, it stems from issues in the lower spine, tense muscles, […]

Navigating Fatty Liver: The Ayurvedic Way

Fatty liver, also known as “Yakrit Roga” in Ayurveda, is a growing health concern in today’s fast-paced world. The condition occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver, potentially leading to liver damage. But don’t despair! Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to managing fatty liver, focusing on the body’s overall […]

Ayurvedic Joint Pain Relief: Effective Therapies and Herbs

Most of the body aches and pains are traced to an imbalance in Vata dosha, which means the air element in the human body. Such an imbalance may present itself in the form of different kinds of pains in joints, like conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, which presents with pain, stiffness, and swelling in the […]


Ayurvedic Joint Pain Relief: Effective Therapies and Herbs​ Arthritis has long been stereotyped as a condition prevailing over the elderly but is now very common among the younger generation. Unhealthy dietary intake, lack of proper rest and sleep, incorrect postures, Yoga for Knee Pain Relief: Effective Poses and Benefits Knee pain is a prevalent issue, […]

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