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Ayurveda treatment in HSR

Case study- Integrative approach to manage stress

Integrative approach to manage stress

Stress is a natural response to face the challenging situations. It is also a state of worry or mental tension caused by difficult conditions. Stress can be a Positive stress/Eustress or Negative stress/Eustress.

Positive stress or healthy stress is a natural part of life. Everyone need a certain level of stimulation to perform daily tasks efficiently and thus achieve individuals goal. There will be a positive stress during the exams, interviews, marriage etc. This certain amount of stress is perfectly normal.

  • Negative stress is when the stress is excessive, extended and unfocussed, it becomes distress and can cause real damage to the individual like work stress, financial stress and many more. Over a long period of time, a high level of stress affects digestive system, regular sleep cycle and increases pain and aches, high blood pressure, headaches etc and takes a serious toll on health and well-being.

In this modern life with competitive world we do see patients with very much stressed by work and getting anxiety, panic attacks and hypertension. Now a day people are becoming innocent, getting upset or angry for small issues and not able to cope up with the situations. The prolong duration of the same is causing distress and leading a psychological issue with sleeplessness as well damaging the physical health too. People with stress are also addicting to intake of alcohol, smoke and spoiling their health.

Patient at VHG

A 41 years old male came with the complaint of increased stress associated with sleeplessness and anger. Prolong duration of stress and sleeplessness is causing him a reduction in his efficiency and productivity. He has noticed the same and wanted to get rid of this and took the treatments.

Treatment at VHG

Advised him a shirodhara and acupuncture session for 5 days continuously and other 5 sessions on alternative days. Taught him a therapy yoga for 5 days to manage his stress. He is practicing yoga regularly now and getting good sleep. His episodes of shouting at family members is reduced and able to manage his lifestyle decently with good health and happiness.

Pre and Post Assessment

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of Stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful. There are 10 questions to evaluate the stress by giving scores 0,1,2,3 and 4.

Total score 0-13 is considered as low stress, 14-26 is moderate stress and between 27-40 is high stress.


              Pre                          Post

PSS        28                             29


So how does acupuncture help in reducing stress?

Acupuncture mainly works on neuro-muscular endings to release natural stress free chemicals. When the fine needles stimulate nerves, the nerve sends a message to the brain to release endorphin hormone which is responsible for overall well-being to reduce the stress, inflammation and pain. Effect of acupuncture stays for prolonged duration and I strongly recommend acupuncture for stress.


Shirodhara is a one of the ayurvedic treatment which is oil pouring to forehead. It is said to have relaxing, soothing and calming effect to body and mind.


Yoga is very well known to reduce the stress and to manage its complication. Regular practice of pranayama, om chanting with the combination of relaxation techniques are effective to lead a life with calm state of mind. Many research papers are proving the same.


Conclusion: Combination of Ayurveda, yoga and acupuncture helped the patient to reduce the stress and taught him to manage his stress.


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