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Herniated Disk | Slipped Disk Treatment

Case study on Herniated Disk | Slipped Disk Herniated disk also called as slipped disk or ruptured disk or bulged disk. Herniated disk occurs when the nucleus is pushed out to annulus through tear. Usually spinal disk has soft & jelly like center called nucleus. This nucleus is present in...

 Chronic Migraine Pain Relief

Sustaining Relief: Strategies for Managing Chronic Migraine Pain in the Long Term Migraines often go unnoticed, undiagnosed, and untreated in everyday medical practice. While people mention positive effects from preventive medications, these treatments come with drawbacks like drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, and even serious side effects. Since migraines...

Ayurveda for People with Disabilities

Ayurveda for People with Disabilities December 3rd was celebrated Internationally as the Day for Person’s with DisabilitiesPeople with Disabilities use the inherent ability more than normal individuals and that's the leap forward towards being achievers.People should learn from the stories of individuals and should continue to fight all odds like...

Case study on Renal calculi

Renal calculi refer to the stones formed in the urinary system. The urinary system includes kidney, ureter and bladder. Most of stones are formed from the calcium oxalate and will be in kidney or ureters. It is associated with the pain in abdomen, groin area or flank. Urinary issues with...

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neuro generative disorder affecting the both cognitive and behavioral affections, which significantly affects the normal functioning. The symptoms worsen over time and patients end up with progressive memory loss, trouble concentrating, loss of judgement and language skills, personality changes. The main feature of Alzheimer’s disease is...

Case study on Anxiety

Anxiety is nothing but the kind of fear, uneasiness and dread. It is very much common at times while making an important decision, facing difficult situations or writing some competitive exams etc. everyone experience the anxiety some or the other time. It is considered as normal helpful reaction to stressfully...

Case study on Obesity

Obesity can be defined as an excessive fat accumulation that increases the risk of health problems presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered as overweight, and over 30 is obese. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people dying...

Health of the Cervical spine

Health of the Cervical spine Cervical spine refers to the spinal vertebrae of neck. It has 7 vertebrae labeled as C1 to C7. The spine of the neck is strong and flexible to move in all possible directions such as flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. The top of the...

Case study on Obesity

Case study on Obesity Obesity can be defined as an excessive fat accumulation thatincreases the risk of health problems presents a risk to health.A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered as overweight, and over 30 is obese. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people...

Case study on Lumbago

Case study on Lumbago Lumbago is the general name used to refer low back pain. It is caused due to many reasons such as lack of physical activity, prolong sitting, poor posture, trauma, weakness of joint and muscles. Usually the lumbago will be a dull kind of pain. it may have...