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The best Detox and Knee pain Kit

The Best Detox and Knee pain Kit (Do It Yourself KIT)

Services have evolved during the phase of pandemic to suit the needs of the patients.

Don’t worry if you are skeptical about stepping out of your house due to a pandemic or you’re located away from us. As we consult with you we want to ensure that the best is suggested.

Vivekananda Health Global integrating Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy for best treatment outcomes has therefore come up with ‘Do It Yourself’ or ‘DIY’ Kit for various conditions. They are prepared as per your requirement and delivered to your doorstep.

Knee Pain
Knee Pain

What is a DIY KIT?

Do it yourself kit enables you to take care of yourselves during the non-availability of services at the center / clinic. You may also be located in other places where our centers are not present. Though you may be able to reach out to us for an online video consultation, you may not have the privilege to avail the services at the clinic. That’s where the DIY kits come handy!!

Do it yourself kits are customized for various conditions or to maintain positive health. Every kit has condition specific ingredients, a video on how to use it and description of the kit.

Let’s take some examples

  • DIY Knee Pain kit: This kit contains cotton pads and boluses made of powders which have to be applied to the back after heating. Oils to dip the cotton pad before application will be provided. Instructions for use will be clearly provided. The kit will have items which can be used for 7 days.
  • Detox Kit: This contains items which will enable a detox experience. It will not only cleanse the body but will also cleanse and soothe the sense organs. A pack for eyes, oil pulling solution for the tongue, nasal drops to cleanse the nose, music for the ears and natural soap just made of green gram for skin.

Types of DIY or Do it Yourself

We have many varieties of kits ranging from kits for pain management, stress management, hair care, skin care and oral care. We presently have 20 different types of DIY kits.

Benefits of DIY KIT

  • Simple to use.
  • Done at the comfort of your home.

Patient Testimonial

Sree Amar : Detox kit was delivered home. My husband and I had a detox program by VHG. We both lost 3 kgs significantly. Diet plan and Yoga helped remove toxins from the body.