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Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb – VASA (Adhatoda Vasica)


Vasa Herb is an Ayurvedic supplement for healthy respiration and lungs.

Commonly known as Adulsa, is a popular herb that is used in homes across all regions. It finds its way in many cough syrups due its proven efficacy as a herbal bronchodilator. Nevertheless it has been around from ages as home remedy and in innumerable Ayurvedic preparation.


Vasa is an evergreen shrub found all over India. You can find it full of leaves in all seasons. Although leaves are used commonly in daily practices, in Ayurveda all parts of the plant are considered to have medicinal properties. The bitter taste in the plant parts is due to the presence of alkaloids such as Vasicine, Vasicinone, Adhatodine.

Most of the herbs which are used in treatment of respiratory ailments are hot in potency whereas vasa is cold in potency and bitter in taste. Due to this it works on both aggravated pitta and kapha.

Vasa is also used in the cure of Bleeding disorders in Ayurveda. It finds mention in the number of preparations used in the cure of Raktapitta. It can be noted that due its chemical composition it works on increasing the microcirculation in the body.

Everyday use : Vasa leaves can be dried and stored. 5-10 mg of dried leaf powder with honey can help in a productive cough. Fresh leaf juice can be difficult to extract hence ayurvedic texts suggest ‘Putapaka Vidhi’, for such leaves where the herb is given indirect heat and juice is taken out.

Popular preparations : Vasa arista, Vasa ghrita, Maha vishagarbha taila.

  1. Leaf juice – 750 g
  2. Candy sugar – 350 g
  3. Ghee – 100 g
  4. Pippali – 100 g
  5. Honey – 350 g

Method of preparation : Extract the juice of vasa leaves, add sugar and ghee. Boil it to get one thread consistency. To this add pippali powder. After cooling add the honey and store it in an airtight container.

Vasa leaves
Vasa leaves
Sugar and Ghee
Sugar and Ghee

With the ongoing winter months and the following spring season well known to bring in kapha disorders this recipe will definitely come in handy.

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