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The Best 5 Signs of Healthy Gut

The Best 5 Signs of Healthy Gut

By Dr.Shraddha Surathkal | May 06, 2022

Healthy Gut

Medical experts also call our “Gut” as a second brain because the enteric nervous system relies on the same type of neuron and neurotransmitter that are found in the central nervous system. The food that we consume is digested and nutrients are absorbed and lead to blood stream and delivered throughout the body.

This mechanism is possible only when our digestion system is healthy. If there is a digestive issue our body might have nutrient deficiency and simpler problems such as acne, hair fall. Long term digestive issues may even lead to Autoimmune diseases.

According to Ayurveda Agni is the invariable agent in the process of Paka (digestion, transformation). Ingested food is to be digested, absorbed and assimilated, which is unavoidable for the maintenance of life, and is performed by the Agni.

Pitta dosha is responsible for such functions as digestion, metabolism, thermoregulation, and energy homeostasis and resides in the mid gut area. If the Agni of a person is vitiated, the whole metabolism in his body would be disturbed, resulting in ill health and disease. Hence, Agni is said to be the base of life. When the microbiome is in balance it contributes to many health benefits, but when out of balance, it can cause problems in the gut and other areas of the body.

Dysbiosis arises when the delicate and elaborate ecology of microbial communities are disrupted by internal or external factors. A disrupted microbiome is characterized by the overgrowth of one or more of the different microbial colonies. A complex interaction between the microbiome and immune systems may result in an inflammatory state.

Now that we understand the importance of digestion and gut health let’s see a few signs of a healthy gut.

  1. Regular bowel movement: After a healthy gut has absorbed all usable nutrients from food, you don’t need what remains. It’s essential to get rid of it because this is what keeps the body functioning properly and efficiently. If not eliminated, it may lead to toxin accumulation in our body leading to different health problems.
  2. Healthy Skin: Several lines of evidence have shown a connection between gut problems and skin disorders. Anything that irritates the lining of your gut can cause it to become inflamed. This could be anything like food allergens, alcohol, medications, antibiotics, common food stuffs of the modern diet like food additives and artificial colouring and it is for this reason eating out is believed to be unhealthy. Digestive system and intestines, influences your overall health which ultimately improves your skin.
  3. Good energy levels: Microbes residing in your gut assist your digestive tract in processing all the food that you consume, and one key part of this process is absorbing the nutrients in the variety of foods that you eat. Better the absorption greater the energy level in your body.
  4. Regular menstrual cycle: Healthy Gut is happy hormones. Did you know the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle are influenced by your gut? Yes you heard it right; the microbiome synthesizes nutrients and assists with digestion. It releases chemicals that regulate mood and metabolism and immune function, and if all that wasn’t enough, it also helps to control the level of estrogens.
  5. No Bloating or acidity: Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and heartburn are all signs of an unhealthy gut. So, if you are going through these, you should not ignore these and address the issue.

5 Signs of a Healthy Gut

How to improve Gut health in simple ways

Although the market is saturated with expensive probiotics that can give your microbiome a boost, it turns out you can actually change your internal ecosystem simply by adapting your lifestyle. You can nurture a diverse gut microbiome for good gut health without supplements, fortified foods or microbiome tests.

The best Gut Health Foods and Practices,

  1. Include natural Probiotics like curd, buttermilk in your regular diet.
  2. Include good amount of cooked veggies daily.
  3. Chew food well.
  4. Exercise regularly.
  5. Manage your sleep cycle.
  6. Drink good amount of water.
  7. Avoid frozen food.

Every person is different, but if you want to improve your digestion, lose weight or look after your general health. There are some broad principles that apply to all.These simple practices help to keep your gut healthy and this in turn will improve your overall health.

Article By :
Dr. Shraddha Surathkal