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By Dr.Vasudha Sharma | Jun 18, 2022
What is lumbago?

Lumbago is the general name used to refer low back pain. It is caused due to many reasons such as lack of physical activity, prolong sitting, poor posture, trauma, weakness of joint and muscles.


Other medical Causes
  • Herniated disc
  • Spondylitis – Inflammation of the vertebrae
  • Spondylosis – Degenerative changes
  • Deformity
  • Disc bulge/displacement of the lumbar vertebrae
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Compression of sciatic nerve
  • Sacral joint dysfunction
  • Facet joint dysfunction etc.
Sign and symptoms
  • Aching and dull kind of pain
  • Stabbing or shooting sensation
  • Mild to severe pain with kind of pinching
  • Muscle spasm
  • Stiffness
  • Tenderness
High risk factors
  • Prolong sitting
  • Poor life style
  • No or less physical activity
  • Being overweight
  • Lifting heavy object

Risk Factors of Lumbago


Untreated lumbago may lead to chronic pain, restricted movement, difficulty in day today activities, depression, disturbed sleep etc.

Other chronic back pain conditions

  1. Lumbar spondylitis: Inflammation of the lumbar vertebrae. It may be any of those 5 lumbar vertebrae which causes pain in the lower back. It may lead to increase stiffness or tightness of muscle which further causes discomfort or hot burning sensation in the lower back.
  2. Lumbar spondylosis: Degenerative changes in the lumbar vertebrae may result to new bone formation in areas of anular ligament. Discs in the spine begin to breakdown, lose fluid, become stiff and this happens as a part of aging. Dehydrated discs and new bony spur leads to bone on bone contact and causes pain.
  3. Lumbar spondylolisthesis: Displacement of the lumbar vertebrae is referred as lumbar spondylolisthesis. low back pain arises due to this displacement of vertebrae is very common in the present era.
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis: It is a type of arthritis includes long-term inflammation of the spinal vertebrae, which leads to chronic pain and stiffness. Ankylosis means fused bones or other hard tissues and spondylitis nothing but inflammation. It usually starts in the lower back and may spread to neck.
Ayurvedic concept

Low back ache is considered as kati shoola in Ayurveda. Lumbar spondylolisthesis, anterior displacement of a vertebra or the vertebral column in relation to the veretebrae below, is one of the common cause for back pain. in all the pain conditions there will be increased vata dosha. Vata is associated with movements, which travel to the joints. When vata is imbalanced it causes pain or weakness to the joints. Kati shoola is a symptom of many disorders like kati vayu, katigraha, prusta shola etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Lumbago

Management through Yoga therapy
  • Regular yoga practices are must require for reducing all kind of back pain and stiffness.
  • It helps in increasing the strength of muscles and specific muscle group.
  • Back and abdominal muscles are important component of the muscular network of the spine, helping the body maintain upright posture and movement. When these muscles are conditioned backpain are greatly reduced. Yoga practices like lumbar stretch, Setubandasana, Bhujangasana helps with same.
  • Yoga Incorporates stretching and relaxation, which reduces tension in the muscle.
  • Managing stress is very crucial in Low back pain as it also triggers and increases back pain. Yoga helps to manage stress and relax our mind therefore we will control over our stress and pain.
  • Consistent Yoga practice helps in postural awareness which needed in managing back pain. Good posture helps in managing normal curvature of the spine which is important part in reducing and preventing back pain.
Yoga practices

Yoga for back pain is most commonly practiced Along with addressing factors which contribute to back pain, yoga helps in stretching shortened tight muscle and strengthen weak elongated muscles. Slow body movement followed by practices of deep relaxation useful to maintain strength and flexibility of spine. By giving very deep rest to the mind body complex, even acute back pain can be managed.

Some of the yoga practices are very good to give sudden relief from sever back pain. Those are ardha chakrasana, kati chakrasana, setubandhasana, bhujangasana and lumbar stretch. Mentioned practices must be done with care and breathing. Proper breathing while doing yogasanas are very essential to proper circulation of oxygen and nutrition to each muscular cells.

Pranayama – surya bhedana, surya anuloma viloma, anuloma viloma (nadishuddhi) and bhramari pranayamas are advised to manage pain.

Article By :
Dr.Vasudha Sharma