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Swarna Amrutha Prasana

Swarna Amrutha Prasana

Swarna Amrutha Prashana, an ayurvedic medicine is  provided to children aged 0 to 16 years on every Pushyami nakshatram. During the Pushyami star, the moon’s proximity to the earth enhances the medicinal properties of the herbs, thereby augmenting the potency of the medicine, boosting immunity, and enhancing memory power. Consequently, the medicine is specifically administered on this auspicious day.

This unique immunization method aids in maximizing brain capacity and developing non-specific immunity against common ailments. Mentioned in ancient texts, Swarna Amrutha Prashana is one of sixteen samskaras for pediatric care, fostering lasting health and intellect naturally without harmful side effects. It involves administering swarnabhasma (gold ash) mixed with honey and ghee fortified with herbal extracts like vacha, brahmi, shankupushpi, etc. This process promotes holistic growth, particularly beneficial for children with special needs such as autism, learning difficulties, and attention deficit disorder.

Benefits of Swarna Amrutha Prashana

  • Boosts  immunity and intelligence.
  • Effectively addresses recurring infections.
  • Improves attention, memory retention, concentration, and learning aptitude.
  • Reduces issues like temper outbursts, attention deficits, bedwetting, and other psychosomatic concerns.
  • Nurtures health and cognitive development in cases of mental retardation and developmental disorders.
  • Enhances sensory functions including hearing, speech, and visual acuity.
  • Manages asthma and allergic conditions effectively.
  • Supported by traditional knowledge, it is considered safe.
  • Prevents illnesses in healthy children, ensuring overall well-being.
  • Improves health even in existing medical conditions.

Call us to book your slot - 91 95913 36226

Dates of Pushya Nakshatra / Swarnamrutha Prashana - 2024

25th January, 2024

21th February, 2024

19th March, 2024

16th April, 2024

13th May, 2024

9th June, 2024

7th July, 2024

3rd August, 2024

26th September, 2024

24th October, 2024

20th November, 2024

18th December, 2024


Age – Swarnamrutha Prashana is applicable for children aged 0 to 16 years.

Time – On an empty stomach, ideally in the early morning. Day – Pushya Nakshatra day.

Duration – we follow monthly once on Pushya Nakshatra till age 16.

Any known side effects- No adverse effects have been observed thus far. Swarna Prashana is crafted from herbs and minerals using traditional Ayurvedic techniques, ensuring a natural and secure product.

Why is this specifically advised for children?

The initial months and years of life are crucial for the cognitive, emotional, and physical development of individuals. Scientific findings indicate that if the brain lacks adequate stimulation during these formative years, it becomes challenging to rewire it at a later stage.

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