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Offline and Online Yoga Classes in Bangalore

Yoga classes in Bangalore
Yoga classes in Bangalore

Yoga For Positive Health - Group Yoga Sessions / Hybrid Live Sessions

FREE YOGA to begin the new year from
2nd January - 10th January

To Join Our Classes Call - +91 95913 36226 ​

Sessions cover Yoga practices which are active dynamic in nature. Modules developed by Vivekananda Health are  Vivekananda Yoga Active,
Vivekananda Yoga Cardio, Vivekananda Yoga Dynamic, Vivekananda Yoga Hatha. 

Yoga Sessions are guided by BNYS Doctors

VY[+]™ Programs

VY[+]™ stands for Vivekananda Yoga for Positive Health ™. These programs are designed to bring all participants to optimal levels of health in every aspect of life :

Physical : Fitness, immune syatem, stamina, beauty, and eyesight

Mental : Improved concentaration, IQ, memory and emotional stability.

Social : Healthy interpersonal relationships

Emotional : Mastery over anger, fear, anxiety and depression

Spiritual : Inner Joy with right knowledge and confidence

VY[+]™ Active

VY[+]™ ActiveTM incorporates traditional Yogic techniques bases on the classical texts of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. the focus is to build physical and mental strength through these ancient practices :

Asanas (Postures)

Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)

Relaxation Techniques


Kriyas(Cleansing Techniques)

Trataka (Eye Exercise)

VY[+]™ Cardio

VY[+] CardioTM is designed to improve cardiovascular functioning, burn calories and sculpt a lean, toned body. It is essential for maintaining optimal functioning of the heart and lungs and increases flexibility due to series of intense asanas designed to produce sweat and offer a real work-out.

VY[+] Dynamic™ I & II

Designed with a flow, VY[+] DynamicTM offers the practitioner a non-stop series of asanas performed in succession in order to discover inner rhythm. The non-stop nature of VY[+] Dynamic helps to gain control over breathing patterns whilst maintaining a steadily-paced physical practice. VY[+] Dynamic II builds on the level of postures practiced in VY[+] DynamicTM I.

VY[+] Hatha I & II

VY[+] Hatha combines breath regulation and the static maintenance of postures for a length of time. It involves basic postures done in slow pace and is based on a traditional, ancient practice described in the Hathayoga Pradipika. VY[+] Hatha offers the participant further scope to dwell deep into the asana practice through its slow, steady approach. Awareness of breath and maintenance of postures for lengthy duration, allows for gradual cessation of thought and the ability to achieve meditative states during the asana practice. VY[+] Hatha II built on the asanas performed in VY[+] Hatha I

Location – 1st Block, HRBR Layout

Time – 07.00 Am – 08.00 Am

             07.00 Pm – 08.00 Pm

Location – 1st Block, HRBR Layout

Time – 07.00 Am – 08.00 Am

             10.00 Am – 11.00 Am

             07.00 Pm – 08.00 Pm

To Join Our Classes Call- 91 95913 36226

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