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Try Vivekananda Health Global App

Transforming Health With Integrative Medicine, A healing-Oriented approach that takes account of the body, mind, and spirit, consisting of multiple solutions like Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy Download the App:Consult Doctors, Learn and Practice Yoga, understand Ayurveda, and Naturopathy with simple exercise, and tips for a healthy lifestyle. Join our programs to elevate your understanding for a Healthy Lifestyle.

About this app :
At Vivekananda Health Global – VHG, health and well-being management is a science. Its holistic health redefined: Ayurveda maintains health of healthy and treats disease of the ill; Naturopathy augments innate healing process of your body; Yoga harmonizes your mind, body and soul.

At VHG – we examine your health, illness and mind-body harmony to prescribe the ideal solution (among Ayurveda, General Yoga, Therapy Yoga, Naturopathy) for a lasting effect. “Its Proven | Its Researched”.

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