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Ayurveda treatment in HSR

Case study on Natural Conception

Conception: The process of fertilization of sperm and egg which leads to pregnancy is conception. This process is actually a natural procedure of becoming pregnant for the woman. If a couple are unable to conceive naturally, they need assisted methods. Modern medicine offers IUI, IVF methods where as Ayurveda corrects the imbalance in the body, helps natural restoration and enables conception.

The below case is of a couple who took assistance to conceive using natural remedies

Case at VHG:

A couple aged 31 years (wife) and 36 years (husband) visited VHG to seek  medical help for their reproductive health as they were unable to conceive since past 1 year .

The female had a history of elevated Prolactin and TSH levels with complaint of irregular menstruation with moderate pain in abdomen.

A male had a history of stress, and his reports showedlow sperm motility.

Treatment at VHG:

For the Female: The Panchakarma treatment were prescribed.

Participant underwent a prescribed treatment called Virechana. Virechana is purgation therapy, one of the internal cleansing therapy. After virechana, she had her menstrual cycle and once the menstrual cycle stopped, she underwentNasya therapy.

She was also advised yoga therapy and acupuncture to improve her mental and reproductive health with some oral ayurvedic medicines. She continued Yoga practice and Ayurveda medicines regularly until she conceived

For the Male: Completed the VirechanaandNasya therapy. After these panchakarma therapies, he started with yoga therapy and oral medicines. In yoga therapy, the breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and pranayama were included to help manage the stress and thus improve reproductive health.

Pre & Post Assessments:

Female Participant

  Pre Post
Prolactin (ng/ml) 24 11.83
TSH (micro units/ml) 6.2 3.8
Endometrium thickness during ovulation period 8.1 mm 10.5mm

 Male Participant:

  Pre Post
Sperm concentration (mil/ml) 40 84
Motility (%) 36 68
Rapidly Progressive (%) 28 48
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) 28 16


The Integrative Approach of Ayurveda Yoga Acupuncture helped the couple to conceive naturally by promoting their reproductive and mental health.

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