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Dry eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a prevalent skin condition marked by dry, itchy, and inflamed areas of skin. It is frequently associated with a genetic predisposition to allergies and can be triggered by environmental factors such as dry weather, irritants, and certain foods. Treatment usually includes moisturizing lotions to relieve dryness, topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and avoiding known triggers.

Integrated approach with Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy (Lifestyle and Dietary modification) for 2 months helped him to reduce the frequency and severity of flareups which improved his quality of life

Case at VHG:

A male patient aged 43 yrs came to VHG on 29/06/2024 with a chief complaint of burning and itching sensation over thighs and buttocks with dry skin. He described it as a flare up of his dry eczema. He is a k/c/o dry eczema since 2023. He experienced flareups very frequently every once in a month. He was on Allopathy medication for flareups. He is also vitamin-B12 deficient from past 1 year.  He was on B12 shots on a monthly basis.

Treatment at VHG:

The Treatment protocol for him was:

  • Virechana (1st line)

He underwent virechana for 9 days under our supervision with 5 days of snehapana, 3 days of abhyanga and steam and 1 day of virechana.

  • Ayurveda medication with Yoga and Dietary modification (2nd line)

After virechana, he came for a follow up and he was prescribed with ayurveda medication. He was suggested to practice pranayama and meditation on a regular basis since we understood it was psychosomatic. Dietary modification was done specifically to reduce the inflammation in the body and to reduce the episodes of flareups.

After 15 days, he came for another follow up presenting comparatively reduced intensity of flareup with itching and burning sensation which led to bleeding with dry skin over thighs. He mentioned the episode subsided with out allopathy medication this time. He was suggested medicine for addressing the recent condition for 10 days and asked to come for a follow up after 10 days.

After 10 days with Ayurveda medicines, lifestyle and dietary modification he came up with improvement in his skin condition with reduced burning and itching sensation and dryness of skin.


This case study helps us explaining how an integrative approach helps in treating a psychosomatic condition and improves the quality of life of an Individual.

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