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Seasonal Diet Tips

Diet tips

The creation of this universe according to Hindu mythology is based on the concept of Panchamaha Bhutas. Namely Prithvi, Jala, Teja, Vayu, & Aakasha.

Every matter is made up of the above entities. Even Human beings are a composition of Panchamaha Bhutas. Any changes in the universe directly affects the body.

In Ayurveda concept of Loka purusha samyatha is explained. Where it lays emphasis on the relation between Universe and a Human.

The predominance of each Mahabhuta depends on the movement of Sun, Moon, and the Wind (Surya, Chandra, & Vayu). In a Human body its co-related to the TridoshasVata, Pitta & Kapha.


Maha Bhutas




Vayu, Aakasha




Jala, Tejas




Prithvi, Jala

According to ayurveda depending on the direction and movement of Sun, Moon, and Wind a year is divided into 2 AyanasUttarayana and Dakshinayana.

Each Ayana consisting of 3 Ritus.











 UTTARAYANA – this period also called as Adhana Kala. During this time there is northward movement of sun and wind. Dryness in the body and environment is increased. It starts from the month of Mid-January to Mid-July. Predominant doshaKapha and Vata.

DAKSHINAYANA – this period is called as Visarga Kala. During this time there is southern movement of sun and wind. Here the power of Moon is comparatively increased. Dryness in the body and earth is decreased in turn increasing Sneha / Snigdha guna. It starts from the month of Mid-July to Mid-January. Predominant doshasPitta and Vata.

Now we will focus on the diet and lifestyle to be followed in the month of January.

As we progress towards the month of January there is a change in Ritu from Hemanth to Shishira.

The below table mentions the major changes during this period:

JANUARY  [Shishira Ritu]












Magha & Phalguna

  • During the month of January there is dryness and coolness in the breeze.
  • The individual will have very good strength and is active.
  • The metabolism and digestive fire (Agni) of the individual is increased.
  • Due to the increased metabolism person can digest heavy food.
  • The severity of cold and dryness comparatively increases from Hemantha – Shishira Ritu.
  • The duration of nights is longer than days.

DIET during the month of JANUARY

  • Due to the increased digestion and metabolism person can consume heavy foods.
  • Consumption of Meat

      Dairy products – Milk, Butter, Cheese, Curd, Ghee

  • Foods that doesn’t increase Vata and dryness of the body are to be consumed.
  • Food and diet that are predominant in Madhura, Amla and Lavana are to be consumed.
  • Fruits which can be consumed are – Apple, Avocado, Guava, Peach, Dry fruits, banana, dates, papaya, berries, tamarind, chestnut, oranges, figs, grapes.
  • Vegetables to be consumed are – Carrots, Cucumber, beets, green beans, garlic, ginger, onions and chillies (moderate quantity), peas, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, Ash guard.                    
  • Cereals, Pulses ,Oats, Quinoa, Wheat, and wheat products
  • Oils to be used are – Almond, Castor, Coconut, Mustard, Sesame, Peanut oil.
  • Avoid – Alcohol consumption : causes dryness in the body, spicy food, bitter food, fruits, cold refrigerated foods, fasting.


LIFESTYLE during the month

  • Due to the increase in Kapha body tends to feel cool. To protect person should cover the body with thick blankets/ sweaters/ scarfs.
  • Exposure to the early morning rays of sun.
  • As there is increased Kapha and the energy and strength of an individual is at its optimum person can indulge in various physical activities – dynamic exercises, yoga, and pranayama.
  • To keep Vata Dosha from aggravating and strengthening the body regular Abhyanga (Massage to the body and head) with oil/powder followed with Swedhana (Steam bath) is advised.
  • After the bath application of moisturizer/ Lepa is advised to keep the body from dryness and in turn also generate heat.
  • Avoid – exposure to cool breeze.

              Sleeping during the day

              Staying awake till late night

Following the above Diet and Lifestyle for the month of January can enable the individual to keep the body healthy and active. More progress and success for the upcoming year.

— Dr. Archita J

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