Understanding Headache as per Ayurveda

Understanding Headache as per Ayurveda


Shirahshoola (Head pain) is described in Ayurveda not only as the symptom of many diseases but also as an independent disease entity as Shiroroga (Diseases of the Head). Shirahshoola is also mentioned as synonym of Shiroroga. Charaka has mentioned Shiroruk as separate disease among eight types of Vata - vyadhis.

Shirorogena shabdena shirogatashoolaroopa rujaabhidheeyate - Madhukosha

Shiroroga shabdasya shoola eva rujakare vrattatvaat - Chakrapani

In the classical texts, the word Shiroroga has been used to denote painful condition of head, only thus commentator Chakrapani has not included other disease of head such as Khalitya, Arunshika, etc. in Shiroroga. (Ch. Chakrapani Su. 17/15). Similarly, Dalhana, commentator of Sushruta Samhita states that though the word Roga refers to the disease in the context to Shiroroga, it refers only to headache.

Samaanya nidaana of shiroroga – Etiology of Diseases of the head region
Sandharanath diwaswapnath raatrau jaagarananmadat
Ucchairbhashyadvashyayaat pragvatadatimaithunaath
Gandhaadsaatmyaadaghratadrajodhooma ahita atapaat
Shiroabhighataat dushtamaadrodanaat bashpa nigrahaat
Meghagamana manastapaat desha kala viparyayaat
( Cha.Su.17/8-11) ( Charka Samhita Sutra sthana chapter 17, verse 8-11)

By the suppression of natural urges, sleep during the day, keeping awake at night, intoxication, speaking aloud, exposure to frost and easterly wind ,excessive sexual indulgence, inhalation of undesirable smell, exposure to dust, smoke, snowfall and sun, intake of heavy and sour food in excess, cold water intake in excess, injury to head , vitiation of Ama, suppression of natural urges of tears, anxiety, adopting regimen opposite to season , vata gets aggravated resulting in vitiation of rakta dhatu in head. This causes diseases of the head associated with various symptoms.

Classification of shirorogas:

Acharya Charaka explains 5 types of shiroroga. Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Tridoshaja and Krimija. According to Acharya Sushruta,

Shirorujati martyanaam vatapittakaphaistribhihi I
Sannipaatena raktena kshayena krimibhistatha II
Suryavarta anantavatat ardhavabhedhakashankakaihi I
Ekadasha prakarasya lakshanam sampravakshyate II (Su. Ut. 25/3, 4) ( Sushruta Sthana Uttara tantra ,Chapter25, Verse 3 and 4)

The eleven Shiroroga according to Acharya Sushruta are,

  • Vataja, Pittaja , Kaphaja- Headache is due to Vata, pitta or Kapha predominance
  • Sannipataja- All 3 doshas are involved
  • Raktaja- Due to blood disorders
  • Kshayaja- Due to debilitating disorders
  • Krimija- Viral infection
  • Suryavarta- Headache related to position of the sun. Sinusitis/ Chronic Rhinitis can be compared to Suryavarta
  • Anantavata- Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Ardhavabhedaka- Migraine Headache
  • Shankakha- Probability : Haemorrhagic


The treatment principles can be divided under the following 3 headings as mentioned below.

  • Antahparimarjana chikitsa ( Internal cleansing) can be administered in the form of shodhana, shaman, snehana, vamana, virechana, basti and nasya ( elimination- Emesis, Purgation, Medicated Enema, Errhines)
  • Bahirparimarjana ( External or topical therapy) includes Lepa, upanaha, dhoopana, swedana and shirobasti (Application of paste, Poultice, Medicated smoke, steam and oil pooling on scalp)
  • Shastra pranidhana includes siravedha and agnikarma

Article By :
Dr. Vasudha M Sharma

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