Case study – Neck pain and Acupuncture

Case study - Neck pain and Acupuncture A 45 year old Yoga therapist weighing about 73kg presented with pain in the neck and feeling of tightness below left scapula for 2 months. Nature of the pain is pricking in nature and duration was throughout the day. Pain often reduced by...


Constipation Constipation – As all know that the constipation is nothing but difficulty in passing motions. Everyone will undergo constipation one or the other day. It may be due to wrong food habit, stress, reduced intake of water, less/no physical activity and sedentary life style. Most of the people think...

Yoga for eye health

Yoga for eye health As eyes are sensory organs, we perceive 80% of what comes through our sense of sight. It is important that we maintain the health of our eyes to see this beautiful world. As we have this good opportunity to see the world, its necessary that we...

Ulcerative colitis and Yoga

Ulcerative colitis and Yoga Ulcerative colitis is also known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is considered as chronic condition and causes Inflammation in digestive tract. Colitis represents inflammation of colon. it is auto immune disorder causes mucosal inflammation in any part/segment of colon and may extend to rectum. The...

Bronchitis and Yoga Therapy

Bronchitis and Yoga Therapy Definition: Inflammation of bronchial tubes are known as Bronchitis. Bronchial tubes are air ways which carry air to and from lungs. Characteristics: There are two types of bronchitis called Acute and Chronic. Acute bronchitis is very common because it easily develops in the people who gets...

Sequence for Yoga practice by IAYT

Sequence for Yoga practice by IAYT IAYT – Integrative Approach of Yoga Therapy is based on panchakoshas. Panchakosha is nothing but 5 layers or sheaths of human personality. Yoga is the best way of living. Regular practice of yoga with correct procedure and sequence will help in getting good benefits....

Migraine and Acupuncture

Migraine and Acupuncture   Migraine is a neurological condition including pain or ache in the one side or both side of the head. Pain in the head may associate with nausea, vomiting or hyper sensitive to the light and sound. Migraine headaches are usually throbbing kind, nothing but continuous pulsating....

5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness

5 Common Habits That May Lead To Sickness Most of the health issues are the result of poor lifestyle in other words result of our bad habits. Here are 5 common habits that may affect our health. Bathing After your meal: Every activity has to be done in specific time...

The Autumn of the Indian Calendar,

”HEMANTHA RUTHU” The autumn of the Indian calendar!!  This is the last season of Dakshinayana or the Southern Solstice known as Visargakala wherein the earth is cooled down by previous seasons of monsoon and early autumn-Varsha and Sharad. This is a pleasant turn with optimum heat and blooming flora before entering into harsh...

Meditation for good health

Free Meditation Sessions for good health, to start this New Year - Register below!Jan 2nd (Sunday) - 7 PM to 8 PM- Yogashree N V Raghuram Ji, Founder of Yoga Bharati and Spiritual leader.Jan 7th (Friday)- 7 PM to 8 PM- Dr.Manjunath NK, Director of Research & Pro Vice Chancellor, SVYASA...

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