Common Myth about food

Common Myths about food 1. Ghee is Fattening: Ghee has many uses beyond the kitchen. According to Ayurveda ghee has healing properties when used appropriately. A good desi ghee, home prepared or organic taken in moderation helps in assimilation and maintains a good gut health and does not cause increase...

Knee pain and yoga therapy

Knee pain and yoga therapy Knee Pain is one of the commonest pains seen especially after 40years of age. The pain interferes in daily activity including walking. The knee joint is made of bone cartilage ligaments when there is a problem with any of this structure pain is seen. There...

Janu basti for Knee pain

Janu basti for Knee painKnee Pain is one of the commonest pains seen especially after 40years of age. The pain interferes in daily activity including walking. The knee joint is made of bone cartilage ligaments when there is a problem with any of this structure pain is seen. There is...

Greeva basti for neck pain

Greeva basti for neck painNeck pain is a common complaint of most of people.Common Causes are,Bad posture by using mobile phones and computerWork stressLack of physical activityPoor lifestyleNeck pain may start gradually and get worsened by poor neck movements and wrong posture for prolonged duration.The muscular strain may aggravate work...

Shoulder pain and Acupuncture

Shoulder pain and Acupuncture Shoulder pain is a common condition seen in homemakers, painters and one who works in the teaching field. Excess usage of a single hand for a prolonged duration causes pain and worsens the condition. The type of pain may vary from person to person. The severity...

Neck pain and Yoga therapy

Neck pain and Yoga therapyNeck pain is a common complaint in this modern era due to bad posture by using mobile phones, computers, work stress, less physical activity, and poor lifestyle. Neck pain may start gradually and get worsened by poor neck movements and wrong posture for a prolonged duration....


VirechanaVirechana is one of Panchakarma therapies. It helps in the elimination of Pitta dosha. It is a widely practical therapy.The act of expelling vitiated doshas from Guda marga (anal route) is known as Virechana. This therapy is mainly done in Sharad Ritu (Autumn).Virechana procedure includes,Poorva karmaPradhana karmaPaschat karmaPoorva KarmaVirechana must...

Hot Stone Therapy

Hot Stone Therapy Hot stone therapy is a technique that uses smooth, flat, heated basalt stones that are positioned along your spine, in the palms of your hands, along your legs and between the toes. Typically from river beds, basalt stones are used as they have a rich iron content...

Mud pack for eyes

Mud therapy Mud, a fundamental element of nature, exerts a profound influence on our body. Enriched with vital minerals, it bestows positive effects on human health. Through its unique ability to absorb toxins, mud becomes an effective preventive measure against various diseases. Widely recognized for its healing properties, mud therapy...

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