Perimenopause is the time during which body makes natural transition to menopause. It is also called as menopausal transition. At this time period get irregular due to less production of hormones from the ovaries. Menopause is the cessation of menstruation and if the menopause occurs before 40 years is called premature menopause.
Perimenopause begins usually between the age of 40 -50 years, but it can start early also. It is a natural and normal progression in women’s reproductive cycle.
The common symptoms of perimenopause are irregular periods, hot flashes, heavy/less bleeding, sleeplessness, irritability, mood swings and depression.
Case at VHG:
A 52 years old female came with the complaint of irregular menstruation since 3 years associated with hot flashes, frequent irritation, anger and sleeplessness. She also had some digestive issues like constipation and bloating. She also had increase inher body weight since 3 years.
Treatment at VHG:
Patient underwent Acupuncture treatment and Abhyanga for the first 7 days. Ekanga udvarthanawithNadisweda and Nasya has administered during the next 7 days followed by yoga therapy for 5 days. She was further advised to continue the yoga practice at home with continuation of Abhyanga and acupuncture once in 15 days for 3 months.
Post treatment:
A follow up after 3 months from the first day of intervention showed that patient was feeling better with her symptoms after undergoing the treatments. She noticed that she is able to do her work with no anger, was so calm even at her worst situations and feeling happy with her effective results. She also lost her body weight by 6kgs. She is doing Yoga regularly and following the diet advise.
Combination of Acupuncture, Ayurveda Yoga therapy and specific diet helped the patient to tackle her perimenopause issues and improved the quality of life.